DFA on DEM DEBATE: Sanders, Warren give corporate Dems “good reasons to keep shaking in their boots”
Statement from Democracy for America Chair Charles Chamberlain following the conclusion of tonight’s debate in Atlanta:
“Coming out of tonight’s debate the battle lines in the 2020 Democratic Primary are more clear than they’ve been before.
“Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are ready to fight for bold, structural reforms like Medicare for All, while the other front runners seem to think that the Democratic nomination will be won by whoever does the bidding of the health insurance industry, Wall Street, and CEO donor class.
“For months, it’s been clear that the wealthy and powerful are terrified of the rise of the champions for inclusive populism in the 2020 race for President and desperate to find some corporate democrat, any corporate democrat, who’ll help them keep the Democratic Party just as addicted to K Street lobbyists as Republicans. With their command performances in tonight’s debate, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren gave the wealthy and powerful good reasons to keep shaking in their boots.” - Charles Chamberlain, Chair, Democracy for America