DFA on Pramila Jayapal’s big early lead in Washington’s 7th District primary
The initial ballot drop in Seattle released this evening put DFA-endorsed candidate Pramila Jayapal in an early, dominant lead in the WA-7 primary that points to a strong top-two finish that would put her on the general election ballot in November.
Here's a statement from DFA Chair Jim Dean on Jayapal's big primary success tonight:
"Tonight's results point to an outright primary win for Pramila Jayapal that is a tremendous victory for the political revolution and every single Washingtonian who believes we need more leaders who will take on the powerful in the fight for our country's populist progressive values.
"Our country desperately needs bold, values-driven leaders like Pramila Jayapal in the U.S. Congress and her strong finish in tonight's top-two primary will only make it easier for Democracy for America members in Seattle and across the country to help get her there over the next 97 days." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America
Additional details about Democracy for America, our strong support for Pramila Jayapal, and other primary work in Washington State:
- DFA endorsed Pramila for Congress shortly after she launched her campaign back in March 2016. Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Jayapal a few weeks later in April 2016.
- Over the course of her primary, DFA members:
- Worked with allies at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee to make over 25,000 volunteer Get-Out-the-Vote calls in support of Jayapal
- Raised and contributed $57,696 (avg. contribution $6.56) in support of her primary success
- In addition to Jayapal's contest, DFA also endorsed 15 other primary candidates in Washington State whose results we are watching closely, including:
- Secretary of State: Tina Podlodowski
- State Senate:
- Luis Moscoso (1st District)
- Angie Homola (10th District)
- Tim Probst (17th District)
- Marisa Peloqiun (28th District)
- Lisa Wellman (41st District)
- State House:
- Shelley Kloba (1st District)
- Darcy Burner (5th District)
- Jason Ritchie (5th District)
- Shar Lichty (6th District)
- Randy Spitzer (26th District)
- Christine Kilduff (28th District)
- Kristine Reeves (30th District)
- Irene Bowling (35th District)
- Monica Stonier (49th District)
- Since 2004, DFA's one-million members have knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide.
- DFA has one million members nationwide and 67,366 in the state of Washington.