DFA on TRUMP: GOP must “stop pandering to racists in their own ranks and dump Trump” like David Duke
Statement from Democracy for America's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain demanding Republican's dump Trump from their ballots following his continued bigoted, un-American comments:
"Donald Trump is an un-American bigot and the fact that the Republican Party continues to give him a platform for his fascist hate speech is reprehensible.
“Republicans worked to keep KKK Grand Wizard David Duke off their primary ballot in 1992, and it's simply inexcusable that they haven't done the same to Trump as he's continued to spew bigoted garbage since he's announced his campaign.”
“Donald Trump’s hate-crime inducing comments don’t have a place in our politics and the big question is when Republicans will stop pandering to racists in their own ranks and dump Trump from the Republican Party.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America