DFA pledges to make #TrumpTaxScam “the epitaph carved into the headstones” of GOP’s majorities

Moments ago, after a second vote in the U.S. House, Republicans successfully jammed a major tax giveaway to millionaires, billionaires, and big business through both houses of Congress.

Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean responded to the passage of the Trump Tax Scam legislation with the following statement:

"While it's true that they're giving millionaires, billionaires, and big business a Christmas gift as they ram the Trump Tax Scam through Congress today, Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans are also handing Democrats the perfect weapon for dismembering the GOP's House and Senate majorities in 2018.

"It's hard to imagine how Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans could have crafted a piece of legislation more perfectly suited for illustrating their dedication to serving their superrich paymasters at the expense of everyone else.  No wonder the Trump Tax Scam is less popular with the American people than previous tax increases -- and that's before they try to use the holes it blows in the deficit to institute massive cuts to earned benefits like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

“In particular, the last minute additions to this tax scam that personally enrich many Republican Senators definitively proves that the Republican Party is nothing but a nest of giant ticks looking to personally suck every last drop of blood out of our country.

"Desperate to pass something after a year of failure, Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have finally given the American people something they will be remembered for with the passage of this healthcare-destroying give-away to the richest of the rich.  

"In the year ahead, we're not only going to make certain Americans remember exactly what Republicans did when they passed this tax scam, we're also going to make it the epitaph carved into the headstones of their House and Senate majorities." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

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