DFA reacts to Bernie Sanders YOOGE win in Washington, Alaska

Statement from Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain on Bernie's big wins in Alaska and Washington State:

"Bernie Sanders's resounding wins in Alaska and Washington State are big deals, period.  And, a likely victory later this evening in Hawaii will only make it even bigger.
"With each victory today, Bernie Sanders is not only significantly cutting down Secretary Clinton's delegate advantage by delivering the margins of victory he needs take the lead in June, he's giving voice to millions of grassroots Democrats who know that Bernie continues to be our party's strongest nominee against Donald Trump's campaign of bigotry, hate, and division. 
"Bernie Sanders isn't just earning the delegates he needs to win, he's showing DC's professional pundit class that, despite their premature eulogizing of his progressive political revolution, the fight for the Democratic nomination is far from over."  -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

Additional facts about Democracy for America and our support for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race:

  • DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders for President after the Senator received 87.9% of the more than 271,000 votes cast in a DFA member endorsement vote in December.  This was the first presidential-primary endorsement in DFA's 11-year history.
  • Since our endorsement, DFA has raised over $1,200,000 for Sanders from more than 120,000 individual contributions from our grassroots members ($10.17 avg. contribution)
  • Additional details about DFA's Bernie support
  • DFA has over 1 million members across the country.
  • Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide.
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