DFA releases new ads supporting Manka Dhingra in Washington State Senate special election

Just under two weeks before election day, Democracy for America (DFA) released a new set of ads, featuring Supernatural star Misha Collins and other Washington State voters, encouraging Eastside voters to cast their ballots for for Democrat Manka Dhingra in a critical 2017 special election (LD-45) that could determine control of the Washington State Senate.

See the 30-second version of the ad, “What can I do?”:


DFA is also released an additional, extended version of “What can I do?” that further clarifies the stakes of this November’s special election in WA LD-45:


Full scripts of both spots are available below.

The new ads are part of a comprehensive IE campaign announced earlier this month that also features a multi-pass canvas program, direct mail, phone calls, and text messages tightly targeting registered voters in Washington’s 45th Legislative District who voted for the first time in 2016 or have voted sporadically in previous elections.  

Both the 30-second and extended version of the ads were produced by Gum Spirits Productions for DFA in close partnership with the State Government Citizens’ Campaign (SGCC) political action committee.  The targeted social media and pre-roll video online ad buy for the 30-second spot was facilitated by Solidarity Strategies.

DFA, which endorsed Manka Dhingra in May, is a member-driven, people-powered progressive PAC with 74,992 members in the state of Washington and one million members nationwide committed to taking on structural racism, income inequality, and money in politics.


SCRIPT -- “What can I do?” (30 sec)

Jacob N.: What can you do?

Aida E.: I’m a mom, an immigrant, and a teacher.

Jacob N.: My brother has had 67 surgeries since he was born.

Russell N.: And my wife beat cancer.  Twice.

Sophie L.: Women still make 77 cents on the dollar.

Misha Collins: Climate change is real

Hae Sue P.: America is a country that welcomed my parents.

Misha Collins: Don’t let them…

Russell N.: Take away my family’s healthcare.

Aida E.: Gut public education.

Sophie L.: Control my right to choose

Misha Collins: Deny climate change

Hae Sue P.: Don’t let them divide us.

Aida E.: But what can I do?

Jacob N.: You can vote.

Misha Collins: This election is crucial. Vote for Manka Dhingra for State Senate on November 7th.

SCRIPT -- “What can I do?” (Extended)

Hae Sue P.: My parents brought us here to achieve the American dream

Aida E.: I love this country.  This is my home.  

Hae Sue P.: I feel that the doors are closing.

Jacob N.: My brother has had 67 surgeries since he was born.

Russell N.: And my wife beat stage 4 cancer.  Twice.

Russell N.: Before the Affordable Care Act, families like ours lived in fear that we’d be denied coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions.  No family should ever worry about losing healthcare coverage.

Sophie L.: I marched in the Women’s March because I feel it’s important to protect my rights, to control my my right to choose.  Women still make 77 cents on the dollar.

Misha C.: Climate change is real.  It’s absurd that we even have to say this.

Jacob N.: At almost every school I’ve been to, they’ve taught us not to bully. Hey, I’m just 11, and even I know that it’s important that everybody treats everyone else with kindness and respect.

Sophie L.: It feels like we’re traveling back in time.

Aida E.: Now we’re not equal.

Hae Sue P.: We can not give up.

Misha Collins: Don’t let them divide us.

Aida E.: But what can I do?

Jacob N.: You can vote.

Misha Collins: This election is crucial.

Russell N.: We need elected officials that share those same values.

Sophie L.: Every single vote matters, every single vote makes a difference.

Sophie L.: I’m voting for Manka Dhingra for State Senate.


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