DFA resolute in fight to protect Obamcare, pass “Medicare for All” after Graham-Cassidy failure

Earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate did not have enough votes to pass the Graham-Cassidy healthcare legislation, effectively ending Republicans most recent attempt to dismantle Obamacare.

Democracy for America's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain responded to Senate Republicans' decision to give up on passing Trumpcare 3.0 saying:

"While Democracy for America members celebrate Senate Republicans failing once again in their most recent attempt to gut Obamacare and replace it with a fake health care plan that would strip millions of their insurance and result in the deaths of thousands of Americans, we know the fight isn’t over and likely won’t be over for years to come.

"Healthcare is a human right, period. DFA members are committed to beating back every effort to dismantle the progress and successes of Obamacare while continuing to fight for the truly universal coverage guaranteed by Medicare For All.

"Today's news is an important step in a larger battle to ensuring healthcare access to every single American, but we still have a long way to go."  -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America.

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