DFA says Bernie’s strong NV showing ends firewall lie,“proves he can win anywhere”
Reaction from Democracy for America’s Charles Chamberlain to Bernie's strong showing in Nevada this afternoon:
“If anyone bought into the establishment lie about the existence of a firewall in the 2016 Democratic contest, the fact that Sanders nearly erased a 25 point deficit in Nevada in less than a month should end it and three straight positive results prove that Bernie Sanders’s grassroots campaign can win anywhere.
"Results are still coming in, but, regardless of the final tally, both Sanders and Clinton will emerge from Nevada essentially tied in the pledged delegates, something pundits would have laughed at in December.
“While Washington’s professional naysayers are focused on whittling down the list of what’s possible until it's small enough to be drowned in a bathtub, the political revolution behind Bernie Sanders is doing the impossible, doling out upsets, and bringing new voters into the political process that Democrats need to win in November.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
Additional facts about Democracy for America and our support for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race:
- In December, DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders for President after the Senator received 87.9% of the more than 271,000 votes cast in a DFA member endorsement vote. This was the first presidential-primary endorse in DFA's 11-year history.
- Details about DFA's Bernie support
- DFA has spoken out strongly for DNC fairness after the party shut-off Sanders's access to the voter file.
- DFA has worked to set the record straight when the Clinton campaign attacked Sanders on guns and single-payer healthcare.
- DFA has worked closely with the Sanders campaign and our grassroots members to mobilize and train the tens of thousands of volunteers needed to help Bernie win in early contests.
- DFA has over 1 million members across the country.
- Since its 2004, DFA members have knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide.