DFA says FCC vote ending net neutrality “is a dark day for the country & the future of the internet”

Moments ago, the Federal Communications Commission voted in a 3-to-2 party-line ruling to end Internet net neutrality rules.  Democracy for America (DFA) has worked on the fight for net neutrality alongside its progressives allies for the better part of a decade.

Statement from DFA Communications Director Neil Sroka on today's repeal of net neutrality rules: 

"Today's FCC vote ending net neutrality is a dark day for the country and the future of the internet.

"At a time when our country should be talking about expanding internet access and making sure that technological tools help level an increasingly uneven economic playing field, a Trump-appointed former Verizon lawyer has enabled wealthy and powerful corporate interests to strangle the innovation and democratization of power that has defined the Internet until now.  

"The FCC chair's greed-driven attack on internet freedom will not be forgotten.  Corporate interests and their FCC lackeys may have won today, but they also welcomed in a new generation of activists who will work towards their defeat in the months and years ahead." -- Neil Sroka, Communications Director, Democracy for America


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