DFA says Kavanaugh “represents a generational assault on justice, freedom, core democratic values”

Donald Trump just nominated right-wing ideologue Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here's Democracy for America (DFA) Chair Jim Dean on Trump's nomination of Kavanaugh to the Court and DFA's vow to fight it:

"Donald Trump's decision to nominate a reactionary ideologue like Brett Kavanaugh and shift the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court even further right represents a generational assault on justice, freedom, and our country's core democratic values.

"If Brett Kavanaugh survives the confirmation process, he will rapidly advance a fringe right agenda on the court that will accelerate plutocratic control of our economy and politics, actively undermine the steps our country must take towards greater racial equity, and directly lead to the deaths of countless women with the dismantling of abortion rights.

"Democrats and so-called moderate Republicans in the U.S. Senate have a choice: Stand with the American people and fight for a Supreme Court that protects our Constitution's core progressive values or cave in to Donald Trump and own every single crushed dream, broken community, and lifeless body that results from the rulings issued by a Court with Kavanaugh's extreme-right vote.

"This fight won't be easy, but Democracy for America members are committed to doing anything and everything we can to make sure that Democrats and so-called moderate Republicans in the U.S. Senate make the right choice and reject Brett Kavanaugh. And, if they don't, we're committed to working even harder to hold them accountable for their complicity in enabling the nightmares to come." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

Starting with events taking place across the country tomorrow, Democracy for America will be working with Indivisible and dozens of other national progressive groups to make sure the voices of the hundreds of thousands who oppose Kavanaugh are heard during the coming fight over the Court.


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