DFA says “pro pundits… [are] wrong if they claim [Bernie’s] fight is over”
Here's a quick reaction from Democracy for America’s Charles Chamberlain as tonight's Super Tuesday results start to roll in:
"Bernie Sanders will be emerging from Super Tuesday with scores of delegates, another record month of grassroots fundraising, and new head-to-head polling numbers showing him, once again, beating Donald Trump and every other Republican candidate by a larger margin than Secretary Clinton.
"Washington's professional pundits were wrong when they claimed the fight for the Democratic nomination was over before Bernie Sanders got into the race, they're wrong if they claim this fight is over now, and the grassroots, people-powered movement behind Bernie's campaign is more than ready to prove it once more in the weeks ahead." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
Additional facts about Democracy for America and our support for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race:
- DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders for President after the Senator received 87.9% of the more than 271,000 votes cast in a DFA member endorsement vote in December. This was the first presidential-primary endorsement in DFA's 11-year history.
- Details about DFA's Bernie support
- DFA spoke out strongly for DNC fairness after the party shut off Sanders's access to the voter file.
- DFA worked to set the record straight when the Clinton campaign attacked Sanders on guns and single-payer healthcare.
- DFA has worked closely with the Sanders campaign and our grassroots members to mobilize and train the tens of thousands of volunteers needed to help Bernie win in early contests.
- DFA has over 1 million members across the country.
- Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide.