DFA says Trump Muslim Ban 2.0 is “a cheap, lawyered-up copy of the [first] Muslim ban”
Earlier today, the Donald Trump signed an executive order that marks his second attempt at ban Muslims from entering the country.
Here's a response to Trump's reheated Muslim ban from Democracy for America's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain:
“Donald Trump’s new Muslim ban is nothing more than a cheap, lawyered-up copy of the Muslim ban that was correctly struck down by federal courts just a few weeks ago.
“Donald Trump and those aiding his bigoted policy agenda can dress it up however they want, but this new ban remains a transparent attempt to begin implementation of the wholly unconstitutional and anti-American ‘total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States’ Trump called for while running for President.
“This absurd, destructive ban not only violates the Constitution, it directly aids terrorist recruiters in ways that will make our country less safe.
“Democracy for America members across the country are committed to doing what it takes to encourage the courts to stop the implementation of this hate-fueled ban and elect leaders who are committed to leading the fight against it and other horrendous policies yet to come.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America