DFA: Senators who voted for Mnuchin shouldn’t expect to keep their jobs
Democracy for America Executive Director Charles Chamberlain called out the 53 Senators who voted to confirm Steve Mnuchin as Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary:
“Voting to put Steve Mnuchin in charge of the Treasury Department isn’t just a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who lost everything in the great recession, it's a disgustingly cynical bet that no one will notice that U.S. Senators are acting like Wall Street puppets while pretending to stand up for working people.
“After working as a Goldman Sachs executive, Steve Mnuchin made millions by cheating people out of their homes during the depths of the financial crisis. The 53 Senators, including Democrat Joe Manchin, who voted to put millions of jobs at risk by putting another Wall Street banker in charge of the Treasury Department shouldn’t expect to keep theirs.
“Like the vote to make known racist Jeff Sessions America’s chief law enforcement officer, this vote for misery profiteer Steve Mnuchin will have tragic consequences for America’s struggling working families and haunt those who cast it in the months and years ahead.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director of Democracy for America