DFA to Senate Democrats: Reject the new deal on Fast Track for the TPP.

Statement from Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America, calling on Senate Democrats to reject the new deal on Fast Track for the TPP:

"In poll after poll and call after call, the American people have been extremely clear in their opposition to Fast Track and the job-killing, NAFTA-style Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

"Democrats in the U.S. Senate now must choose whether they stand with their constituents who oppose Fast Track or the army of corporate lobbyists and lawyers who see it as the first step towards a shadowy trade deal that will make it easier to sell tainted food in our supermarkets, sue governments in secret courts for passing laws they don't like, and pay foreign workers as little as 56 cents an hour.

"With the views of the American people so clear, there is simply no excuse for any Democrat who votes for Fast Track. Like a vote for the Iraq War or statements of support for the Social Security-cutting Bowles-Simpson plan, a vote for Fast Track and the TPP will never be forgotten and will haunt members of Congress for years to come.”-- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

Information about Democracy for America and the fight against Fast Track and the TPP:

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