DFA’s early response to Michigan, Mississippi presidential primary results

Here's a quick reaction from Democracy for America’s Jim Dean as tonight's results in Michigan and Mississippi start to roll in:

"Bernie Sanders is emerging from tonight's contests having netted scores of delegates and proven, once again, that as more voters learn about his lifelong fight for economic, social, and racial justice the stronger and more powerful the movement behind Bernie's campaign becomes.
"While the Georgetown salon circuit may have chosen its candidate, grassroots Democrats in Ohio, Florida, California, New York and 30 other states, territories, and districts haven't yet and their voices deserve to be heard. 
"The threat posed by Donald Trump and the other Republicans groveling for the scraps left by his campaign of racism, hate, and division is too great to end the Democratic nomination fight simply because it has gone beyond the predetermined expiration date of a handful of Beltway chicken-littles.
"This is a contest-by-contest battle for delegates and every week Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are fighting for the support of the Democratic Party's grassroots base is another week we're expanding the army, establishing the platform, and building the broad, progressive movement we'll need to defeat the right-wing, racist candidate who Republicans eventually decide to nominate."  -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

This past weekend DFA's Jim Dean travelled from Michigan's upper peninsula to Flint encouraging grassroots progressives to cast their ballot for Sanders.

Additional facts about Democracy for America and our support for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 race:

  • DFA endorsed Bernie Sanders for President after the Senator received 87.9% of the more than 271,000 votes cast in a DFA member endorsement vote in December.  This was the first presidential-primary endorsement in DFA's 11-year history.
  • Details about DFA's Bernie support
    • DFA spoke out strongly for DNC fairness after the party shut off Sanders's access to the voter file.
    • DFA worked to set the record straight when the Clinton campaign attacked Sanders on guns and single-payer healthcare.
    • Just yesterday, DFA called out Secretary Clinton's dishonest attack on Sanders's support for the auto bailout
    • DFA has worked closely with the Sanders campaign and our grassroots members to mobilize and train the tens of thousands of volunteers needed to help Bernie win in early contests.
  • DFA has over 1 million members across the country.
  • Since its 2004 founding, DFA members have knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, made over 11 million phone calls, and raised and contributed more than $32.7 million to help elect 843 progressive candidates nationwide.
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