Dont Kill the Dream Ad Release

*** Watch the Ad Here: ***

National Ad to Run During Sunday Shows; Local Ads Target Reps. Allen West & David Rivera

A new 60-second television ad released today by Democracy for America targets Republicans for killing the American Dream and failing to create jobs. The ad, Dont Kill the Dream, which will air both nationally and in targeted congressional districts, features Americans who want Republicans in Congress to stop dismantling the middle class and killing the American Dream. The ad calls out Republicans for slashing vital programs the middle class depends on while simultaneously insisting on tax breaks and loopholes for corporations and millionaires.

The ad will run nationally on Sunday shows and in the districts of Allen West (FL - 22) and David Riveras (FL -25). This is part of Democracy for Americas national campaign to hold Republicans accountable that will run from now until the election in 2012.

You can watch the national ad here:

Republicans, by pushing a radical agenda in Washington, are killing the American Dream for tens of millions of Americans.," said Levana Layendecker, Communications Director, Democracy for America. Americans everywhere are fed up with the Republican attack on the middle class, and we are demanding that Representatives in Washington focus on practical economic solutions, which create good jobs and a strong economy. We need Representatives in Washington to protect the American Dream, not kill it. We will be working everyday between now and Election Day in 2012 to hold those who are killing the American Dream accountable."



Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

Republicans in Washington are killing the American Dream by pushing an agenda that forces deep cuts to important programs that protect the middle class while asking nothing of big corporations and millionaires. AD TRANSCRIPT:

We were city workers in New York State, luckily we had good benefits. We would like to grow old comfortably and get back what we contributed. We would like to see those that we love have the same. -Samuel and Stephanie Levine, Retired

I came to the United States when I was 10 years old, because this is the land of opportunity. But opportunities are disappearing on us because Washington has decided to protect millionaires and billionaires and squeeze the middle class. That is not the American dream. -Millie Herrera, Small Business Owner

The American dream is having security and knowing that your kids can have security too. -Chris Ossman, Engineer

To be able to live a decent life, free of fear about the next medical bill. -Samuel Levine, Retired

Being able to get a great education, the greatest in the world. -Austin Brookley, Student

The American dream is not just to make a profit in our business, but to be able to sleep at night and know that we are going to be okay. - Annette Taddeo, Small Business Owner

But the basic needs of this country are being threatened by whats going on in Washington. -Chris Ossman, Engineer

We can let Republicans in Washington kill the American Dream. -Millie Herrera, Small Business Owner


"GOP spending plan would end Medicare". Cleveland Plain Dealer, April 6, 2011

"Republicans plan sharp cuts to education" - Reuters, May 11, 2011

"John Boehner: Raise Social Security Retirement Age to 70" - CBS News, June 29, 2011

Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate.
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