Doug Jones win in Alabama “exposed a gaping wound” in GOP, shows Dems “a path out of the darkness”
Tonight, Doug Jones won the special election for U.S. Senate in the deep-red state of Alabama.
Democracy for America members backed Jones on September 29th and have been enthusiastic backers in the race.
Statement from Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director of Democracy for America, on Jones' big surprise victory:
“Doug Jones’ victory tonight in deep-red Alabama isn’t just a crushing blow to Donald Trump’s agenda of bigotry, hate, and division, it’s a powerful reminder that progressives can win everywhere if we stand up for an inclusive populist political agenda and build campaigns that prioritize, energize, and mobilize the new American majority of Black, brown, and progressive white voters.
“Any Republican who thinks they dodged a bullet by having the sexist, racist, and homophobic child predator their party nominated lose in the general election needs to have their head examined. Roy Moore’s candidacy and the Republican Party’s willingness to aid it has exposed a gaping wound of depraved moral indifference and political hypocrisy within the GOP that no single loss can cauterize.
“While they may pretend otherwise after this humiliatingly historic loss, Roy Moore exemplifies a present-day Republican Party dominated white supremacist theocrats and led by a President accused of sexual misconduct by thirteen women who spent the last week cheering on a child molester's run for the U.S. Senate.
“By building a campaign that delivered unprecedented turnout from the new American majority and especially among Black women, Doug Jones and the grassroots who powered him to victory showed us a path out of the darkness of 2016 and gave us an ideal boost of momentum as we work to take back Congress in 2018.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
Additional details about DFA’s support for Jones:
- DFA was one of the earliest national progressive organizations to endorse Jones shortly after the primary on September 29, 2017
- Raised and contributed over $71,742.98 from more than 6466 individual contributions (avg. $11.10) to elect Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate
- Created and ran digital ads in support of Jones in partnership with Solidarity Strategies aimed at mobilizing sporadic Democratic voters to the polls
- Recruited our 11,774 DFA members in Alabama to support Doug Jones’ campaign with contributions, door-knocking, phone-banking, and texting get-out-the-vote operations.