Endorsement of Ruiz, Gill and Trivedi

Democracy for America: Endorses Three Doctors For Congress

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed 3 candidates running for Congress - David Gill (IL-13), Raul Ruiz (CA-36), and Manan Trivedi (PA-06). All three candidates have served their communities as doctors and now look to represent their communities in Washington.

"These three men exemplify the meaning of giving back,said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA.Theyve been on the ground serving their communities and understand the day to day needs of their constituents. Democracy For America is proud to endorse these three candidates, and as the GOP base heats up against theAffordable Care Actand providing healthcare to millions more, its great that we have three doctors leading the way on healthy communities and access to affordable healthcare. The three doctors responded to the DFA endorsement with enthusiasm:

David Gill:I'm honored to be endorsed by Democracy for America and their million plus members across the nation. I don't take a cent from Wall Street bankers or corporate PACs in my campaign. With concerned Americans like DFA standing by my side, I'll lead the fight for millionaires and corporations to pay their fair share and to stop billions in subsidies for big oil. It's time to get our priorities straight in Washington."

Raul Ruiz:"Now that the Supreme Courthas resolved the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, people with preexisting conditions, students, the middle class and thousands of small businesses will have access to affordable health care. There is more work to be done to improve the health care system, and as a doctor, I am uniquely positioned to help make that happen. There's is far too much partisan gridlock in Washington, and this effort to repeal the ACA is another example of career politicians standing up for insurance companies and special interests instead of hard-working Americans.

I am honored to have the endorsement of DFA, and together we will work to end the gridlock, fight for the middle class and put people back to work."

Manan Trivedi:As a nation, we recognize the importance of all citizens having access to basic healthcare, the assurance that children with pre-existing conditions will not be denied coverage and the promise that young adults can remain on their families health insurance policy as they becoming productive citizens in their communities and the workforce," said Trivedi. "Unfortunately, Jim Gerlach and Republicans in Congress seem more interested in taking away these assurances to score political points, than in working to build and improve upon what we have.

"As a physician, I know that if we are going to truly make theAffordable Care Act, affordable, we must now begin serious discussions on how to rein in healthcare costs. This is precisely why I feel it is important to have a doctor such as myself in Congress so that people with real experience in the world of providing healthcare are at the table and the best interests of patients are always represented.


ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for Americais a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide,DFAis a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

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