Endorsement of Shea-Porter and Kuster

Burlington, VT Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Carol Shea-Porter and Anne McLane Kuster in New Hampshire for Congress. Both women are progressive champions fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare for the people of New Hampshire. "I am proud to endorse Carol Shea-Porter and Anne McLane Kuster, said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. Anne and Carol are exactly the kind of leaders we need in Congress right now -- strong progressive women who will fight for jobs and economic security. Shea-Porter and Kuster responded to the endorsements with enthusiasm. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter: I am very grateful to DFA for endorsing me again. We share the belief that fostering job creation and investing in America and our people are both good business decisions and good moral decisions. Im ready to get back to work, and I thank Democracy for America for helping me! Anne McLane Kuster: "I am honored to earn the endorsement of Democracy for America. With the support of DFA, and groups like it, we are able to build a campaign with strong grassroots support and a commitment to Individuals, not Corporations that will both win in November and redefine how we can elect candidates to office." Both Kuster and Shea-Porter have been endorsed by DFA before. Carol Shea-Porter garnered DFA member support from her strong record in Congress of standing up for progressive values, and Anne McLane Kuster was voted in the top-ten among DFA members for the DFA Grassroots All-Stars competition for congressional challengers. ### ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.
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