GRAS winners 2012

2nd and 3rd Runners up are Norman Solomon CA 02 and Jose Hernandez CA - 10 Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced that Alan Grayson, FL 09, is winner of the Grassroots All-Stars Contest. The winner of the 2012 Grassroots All-Star Competition will receive: the title of "2012 DFA Grassroots All-Star" and DFA's endorsement; a commitment to raise $20,000 in small donations from DFAs national membership; and a commitment to recruit volunteers over the course of the campaign. The two runners up in the Grassroots All-Stars contest who will also receive prizes are 2nd runner up Norman Solomon, CA-02, and 3rd runner up Jose Hernandez, CA- 10. Congratulations to Alan Grayson for winning the DFA Grassroots All-Star Endorsement. We are proud to endorse such a stalwart champion for true progressive values, said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. All of the candidates who distinguished themselves in the Grassroots all-stars completion exemplify the kind of campaigns DFA members want to endorse: bold champions who engage real people in the political process. Two other candidates who really distinguished themselves in this contest are Angela Zimmann of Ohio and Ilya Sheyman from Illinois, rounding out the top five. Ilya Sheyman is a great organizer who has been running a real grassroots campaign to represent the 99%. While Angela Zimmann showed tremendous creativity in engaging the online community and inspiring DFA members to support her compelling upstart campaign. Both Sheyman and Zimmann also received endorsements from DFA. Grassroots All-Stars ( is an annual competition for House challengers and open seats. Candidates compete for online votes to demonstrate support among DFA members, and the top three candidates receive prizes. This years top ten were a diverse group, including candidates from 8 states, 4 women, and 2 people of color. Past winners of the whole contest include Jerry McNerney, Charlie Brown, and Beth Krom. ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate.
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