Heroes Press Release

Top Ten List Includes Progressive Democratic Fighters in House and Senate BURLINGTON, VT Democracy for America, the people powered PAC, announced the winners of the DFA 2010 Progressive Hero endorsements - Senator Barbara Boxer and Representative Alan Grayson. The online vote asked the over one million members of DFA which incumbent Democrats deserved the full-force of DFA's nationwide volunteer network, raising tens of thousands of dollars, and providing volunteer boots on the ground working to deliver the win on Election Day. The winners are listed here: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/heroes-and-villains DFA Members will stand up and fight for the bold champions who fight for them in Washington, said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. Thats why Alan Grayson and Barbara Boxer earned DFA's support. These Democrats don't back down when pressured by corporate lobbyists or attacked by Tea Party Republicans. Theres no enthusiasm gap for Democrats who stand up and lead. The competition was held for both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House and only Democrats who stood up for inclusion of a public option in healthcare reform were eligible to win. Sen. Boxer and Rep. Grayson bested tough competition including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (7th place) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (2nd place). The impressive top-ten list of our Heroes both in the Senate and House are diverse in their opinions, but all have shown bold leadership as fighters and truth-tellers. The Top-Ten lists are as follows: SENATE 1. Barbara Boxer 2. Bernie Sanders 3. Al Franken 4. Russ Feingold 5. Sherrod Brown 6. Patty Murray 7. Harry Reid 8. Dick Durbin 9. Charles Schumer 10. Bill Nelson HOUSE 1. Alan Grayson 2. Nancy Pelosi 3. Anthony Weiner 4. Dennis Kucinich 5. Barney Frank 6. Barbara Lee 7. Raul Grijalva 8. Jay Inslee 9. Paul Hodes 10. Joe Sestak The winners of the anti-endorsement Villains contest will be announced tomorrow. ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. http://www.DemocracyForAmerica.com Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com, and not authorized by any candidate.
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