Joint Endorsement GHD/DFA Conway, Conlin

Gov. Dean: I disagree with the pundits who are again underestimating the American people, this can be a good year for strong progressive Democrats. BURLINGTON, VT Democracy for America, the people powered PAC, along with their founder, Gov. Howard Dean announced a joint endorsement today of Jack Conway (D-KY) and Roxanne Conlin (D-IA) for US Senate. I disagree with the pundits who are again underestimating the intelligence of the American people with their predictions, said Gov. Dean. Its the Republicans who will face a tough time trying to explain why they are for the interests of insurance companies, oil companies and Wall Street over the needs of the American people. DFA Chairman Jim Dean added, Our members in Iowa and Kentucky are thrilled to have Gov. Deans support on these critical campaigns. In an email to DFA members announcing the endorsement, Gov. Dean expressed his enthusiasm for the two candidates running for senate, I'm not supporting Jack or Roxanne because they're Democrats. I'm supporting them because they have records of fighting for the people, not corporations. Jack Conway faces an opponent in KY, Rand Paul, who has received a lot of national media attention for his inflammatory statements opposing civil rights and other out-of-the-mainstream rhetoric. However, Conway has been a stalwart champion for the people of Kentucky and received more votes in the Democratic primary than Paul in the Republican primary. [1] Roxanne Conlin is taking on Republican Chuck Grassley in Iowa. Grassley fought against health care reform and even made the ridiculous claim that President Obama wanted to pull the plug on grandma. Conlin on the other hand, fights for Iowans, as in the state Supreme Courts case where she fought for an Iowa teacher who was fired for being pregnant. Gov. Dean has been working with Democracy for America as an independent consultant in two key efforts: passing meaningful healthcare reform and electing progressives and down the ballot in all 50 states. ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. 1. Turnout in primaries complicates 'enthusiasm gap' debate, The Washington Times Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate.
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