DFA: Kavanaugh’s alleged role in an attempted rape is “fundamentally disqualifying”
This afternoon Christine Blasey Ford courageously told her story of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's role in an attempt to rape her when she was fifteen.
Democracy for America's Karli Wallace, the lead of DFA's #StopKavanaugh campaign, responds to Kavanaugh's alleged role in an attempted rape:
"The story bravely told today about Brett Kavanaugh's alleged role in an attempted rape of a 15-year-old girl isn't just stomach-turning, it's a fundamentally disqualifying action for anyone tasked with serving justice, let alone someone up for lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"To be clear, Brett Kavanaugh's political positions and repeated use of misleading and false statements during Senate testimony already rendered him unfit to be a Supreme Court justice, but today's revelations make it crystal clear that he had no business being nominated in the first place.
"The only acceptable response to news of Brett Kavanaugh's alleged role in an attempted rape is for every single member of the U.S. Senate to commit to rejecting his nomination to the Supreme Court and demand that the White House immediately rescind it.
"Our country also owes a profound debt of gratitude to Christine Blasey Ford for deciding to publicly share her story. No survivor of sexual assault owes the story of their struggle to anyone, period. Yet, the grace and courage that Christine Blasey Ford has shown in deciding to do so, especially in light of the violations of consent that played a role in compelling her, is something we all should honor." -- Karli Wallace, Senior Digital Manager & lead of DFA's #StopKavanaugh Campaign, Democracy for America