Louise Slaughter 2012 Endorsement

Burlington, VT - Today, Democracy for America (DFA), endorsed Louise Slaughter, running to represent New York's 25th District in Washington, DC. "Louise has been serving her community for as long as she can remember, first as an environmental activists and then as a city councilmember,said Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America. Louise is unafraid to stand for progressive values and is considered one of the most progressive members in the House of Representatives. Were proud of what Louise has done to serve her constituents and bring jobs back to the 25thDistrict, continued Dean.

Louise Slaughter responded with enthusiasm to the DFA endorsement:

"I'm extremely proud to have the endorsement of Democracy for America, a leading voice for the middle class and an organization that empowers millions of Americans to get involved in the political process at a grassroots level. Together, with DFA's over 1 million members nationwide, we will continue to stand tall against GOP interests that cater to the wealthy and well-connected while ignoring the concerns of women, seniors, workers, and struggling middle-class families."

ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Founded by Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.,Democracy for Americais a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide,DFAis a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

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