Maine Marriage Vote

Burlington, VT Last night voters in Maine supported marriage equality overturning the 2009 referendum denying gay and lesbian couples the right to marry.

Democracy for America (DFA), an ally in the fight for marriage equality across the country, released the following statement upon learning of the referendums passage: With yesterday's victory, Maine residents recognized that love is stronger than fear,said Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of Democracy for America.

With this vote, Maine became the first state to extend the freedom to marry to loving and committed gay and lesbian couples via statewide popular referendum. Maine now joins Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia as a state that grants the freedom to marry to all its citizens.

This vote serves to remind us all just how powerful it is to share our stories that about who we are, and why each and every one of us deserves fairness. Hasan continued, Three years ago, I was on the ground when Maine voted against marriage equality. It was a devastating loss for the marriage equality movement. Now, Mainers have changed course and set the state on the right side of history. Along the way, Democracy for America has supported the campaign with contributions and volunteers and were proud to stand alongside the campaign as they celebrate this victory.

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