Maloney Endorsement


for America Endorses Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18)

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA), endorsed Sean

Patrick Maloney for Congress. Maloney, who is a former advisor to President

Bill Clinton will bring jobs and economic stability back to the region. "The Hudson Valley needs Sean, said

Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. Seans opponent has refused to put

the economic needs ahead of party politics. Hayworth stood alongside

John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan to obstruct any policy that would bring

more jobs to the 18th District.

Thats not the kind of leadership we expect or need in Washington. Sean is that kind of leader and with our help

hell win in November.

Maloney will protect Medicare, bring jobs back to the Hudson Valley by

restoring the manufacturing industry, supports a womans right to choose, and

ensure the success of future generations by fighting to stop the explosion of

student loan interest rates.

Im thrilled to have the endorsement of

Democracy for America in the fight to defeat Tea Party Congresswoman Nan

Hayworth, Sean Patrick Maloney said.

DFAs grassroots organizing is one of a kind, and their support will help

energize all Hudson Valley voters who are fed up with Congresswoman Hayworths

votes to end Medicare, reward millionaires like herself with massive tax

breaks, and defund Planned Parenthood.



DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action

Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots

powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the


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