Matt Cartwright Endorsement

Democracy for America Endorses MattCartwright (PA-17) Burlington, VT Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed MattCartwright for Congress. Cartwright continues to be a progressive champion for Pennsylvanias17th district. "Matt Cartwright is the right man forCongress, said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. He is leading the chargeagainst the fracking to protect clean air and clean water for working people inPennsylvania communities. Mattrepresents Pennsylvanias middle class. Cartwright is fighting the hydrofracking industry in Pennsylvania to protectour clean water, and will be a leader in Congress to eliminate the Halliburtonloophole in the Clean Air Act. Matt Cartwright responded to the DFA endorsement with enthusiasm: Matt Cartwright: I am thrilled and humbled by this endorsement. DFA hasbeen in a leader in fighting for the issues that matter to every Democrat. I am running for Congress because I believecorporate America has taken advantage of working families and the middle class,and it needs to stop. I have spent my professional career protecting people andsmall business owners from the predatory lending practices of big banks andfinancial institutions. In Congress, my top priorities will be bringing jobs tonortheast Pennsylvania, and making corporations and wealthy Americans pay theirfair share of taxes. ###
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