Mosers’ run-off-bound TX-7 finish shows DCCC must learn old “gutless, corporate playbook” is a loser

Results from Laura Moser’s race in Texas 7th Congressional District are in and have made it clear that, despite the DCCC’s recent public bomb throwing, she’s heading to the May 22nd run-off.

Democracy for America (DFA) has been a strong supporter of Moser's campaign since mid-2017 and vehemently defended her following the DCCC’s base-depressing attacks.

DFA’s response to Moser’s strong, run-off-bound finish in the TX-7 race:

“Laura Moser’s strong finish tonight sends her to the May run-off election and makes it clear that, no matter what attacks the Republican-lite hacks at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee throw at them, voters in Texas’ 7th Congressional District are ready to send a progressive leader to Congress.

“The same gutless, corporate playbook that has lost Democrats nearly 1000 elected offices over the last decade isn’t our party’s path to retaking the House in November.  

“Candidates like Laura Moser, who are building smart, grassroots campaigns and mobilizing the New American Majority by fearlessly standing up for inclusive populist priorities like reproductive rights, gun reform, and Medicare for All, are showing us a way out of the cycle of losses we’ve been stuck in since 2008.

“And it’s time for those currently occupying the DCCC’s revolving door to either figure that out, or get the hell out of the way.” -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

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