Press Release

By Joe Frandino

Released: Tuesday, June 17, 2009

BURLINGTON, VT Democracy for America, our nation's largest people powered PAC, endorsed Josh Skaller in the

New York City Council District 39 race. Gov. Howard Dean, founder of DFA, appeared with Skaller at a

morning press conference at the campaign office of the Central Brooklyn

Independent Democrats. They later greeted subway riders at the F

trains 7th Avenuestop. "I'm proud to endorse Josh Skaller for the New York City Council,"

said Gov. Dean. "He's the kind of strong progressive leader we need

standing up for our values at the local level. I admire Josh's

commitment to meeting voters in Brooklyn one at a time. Josh

understands that politics should be about empowering ordinary people to

engage in our democracy, whether it's giving small amounts of money or

talking to their friends. " Skaller, the only DFA-endorsed candidate in the race for District

39, is a long-time grassroots activist and has served as a director of

the local volunteer DFA group, Democracy for New York City, for the

last four years. "On the New York City Council, Josh Skaller will work with fellow

reform-minded leaders to affect real, lasting changes in the way the

city conducts its business and relates to its citizens," said Jim Dean,

Chair of DFA. "At a time when billionaire Mayor Bloomberg dominates

city politics, Josh will use his position to empower like-minded local

community groups and organizers and give them a strong voice at City

Hall." Democracy for America is a key endorsement in local races like this

one, bringing in donations from progressives and providing volunteers

to participate in door-to-door, grassroots outreach. DFA has helped

elect 578 progressives to office, from Senator Mark Begich in Alaska to

Rep. Donna Edwards in Marylands 4th Congressional District. "Josh knows New York is a place where true progressive leadership

is really needed and where it has the potential to take hold and set

the tone for the country," said Jim Dean. "Democracy for America is

proud to endorse his campaign." ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is our

nation's largest people powered PAC. With over one

million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to

change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.
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