Press Release

Released: April 21, 2008

BURLINGTON, VT, our nation's largest progressive political action organization, has endorsed Jimmy Dahroug's campaign for the New York State Senate.

"Jimmy Dahroug has a long record of grassroots activism and he gives Democrats a real chance to gain control of the State Senate. Democracy for America is proud to endorse his campaign," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. "Jimmy Dahroug knows that the party that empowers people will be the party in power."

Jimmy Dahroug currently serves as a County Executive Assistant in the Levy Administration. Jimmy acts as a liaison from the County Executive's office to the County Legislature's committees on Labor, Workforce and Affordable Housing; Economic Development, Higher Education, and Energy; and Consumer protection.

Jimmy led the effort to create the County Executive Gang Task Force which he chairs. He also played an instrumental role in creating the County Executive's Naming Rights Commission which has the potential to bring in additional revenue to the county. Jimmy helped create the first county carpool program which has lead to a significant reduction in emissions from county employee cars.

"I am incredibly proud to have the support of Democracy for America," said Jimmy Dahroug. "Our victory will provide a historic opportunity to pass progressive, for-the-people legislation, after four long decades of Republican rule in our State legislature. This race could very well be the most important in New York State, and DFA's grassroots support is key to victory."

Democracy for America is the key endorsement in this race, bringing donations from progressives and providing volunteers to participate in door-to-door, grassroots outreach. DFA has helped elect over 550 progressives to office from Governor Deval Patrick in Massachusetts to Rep. Jerry McNerney in Californias 11th Congressional District.

"Jimmy Dahrougs commitment to progressive solutions for government reform, middle class tax relief, and expanding health care give Long Islanders a real choice in this election," said Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of DFA. "Jimmy Dahroug is ready to serve the people with the kind of energy and vision they have not had for too long."

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