Romney Tax Petition

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for

America (DFA), Daily Kos and MoveOn,org Political Action unveiled that in 4 days

of the Whats Mitt Hiding campaign, the 3 organizations gathered over 224,000

signatures demanding full disclosure from Republican Presidential candidate

Gov. Mitt Romney. The coalition of progressive organizations will

deliver the signed petition to Gov. Romneys campaign headquarters in Boston,

MA on Friday. "Its unbelievable in this day and age that a candidate running

for the highest office in the land would not opt in for full disclosure of

their financial records,said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA.Gov.

Romney should have followed in the footsteps of his father and been a leader in

transparency. Instead, hes opted to

hide the truth from the American public.

Mitt, what are you hiding?

We know Mitt Romney made millions by firing American workers,

outsourcing jobs and keeping his money overseas, said Chris Bowers, Campaign

Director at Daily Kos. His refusal to release his tax returns raises

suspicion that her found even more ways to get rich by weakening the American

middle class.

Its clear by now that

Mitt Romney is hiding something. Whether

its something embarrassing, like his dancing horse habit, or more nefarious,

like dodging taxes the rest of us have to pay, voters have a right to know what

Mitt Romneys been up to, said Justin

Ruben, Executive Director of Political Action. Its long past

time for him to release his returns.

Democracy for America, Daily Kos and Political Action will hold a

press conference on Friday to deliver the signed petitions to Gov. Mitt

Romneys Presidential election headquarters.The press conference will

urge the Romney campaign to release his tax returns publicly for full

transparency proving that Mitt Romney has nothing to hide.

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