STATEMENT: Democracy for America (Run Warren Run) responds to Clinton’s 2016 entrance
Statement from Charles Chamberlain, executive director of Democracy for America, on the entry of Hillary Clinton into the 2016 presidential race:
"We're looking forward to hearing more about Secretary Hillary Clinton's vision for the future of our country and, in particular, how she plans to address our nation's income inequality crisis and stand up to the wealthy and powerful interests on Wall Street and elsewhere that dominate our political process.
"Secretary Clinton has earned the respect of Democracy for America members because of her deep commitment to the rights of women and children, two groups impacted immensely by income inequality, the issue that will define the 2016 election.
"We also know that a vigorous competition for the best ideas, the best people, and the best campaign practices will leave our party, our eventual nominee, and our country stronger, which is why we continue to urge Senator Elizabeth Warren to enter the 2016 race for president. As we've seen first-hand over the last four months, Democrats want a 2016 nominee who will fearlessly fight to ensure that all working families have a fighting chance in America and the surest way to guarantee that happens would be to have Senator Warren in the race." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
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