SYRIA BOMBING: DFA demands Congress “do its job… make sure Trump doesn’t start World War III”
In response to Donald Trump's decision to bomb Syria last night, Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain made the following statement:
“Yesterday, Donald Trump made America less safe by taking reckless military action in the Syrian civil war. Without consulting Congress or presenting any discernible plan for how we're going to achieve success, the idea that the actions Trump is taking are thoughtful and considered is laughable.
"This President can't even make a phone call to an ally without screwing it up. Congress needs to do its job, exercise real oversight, and make sure Donald Trump doesn’t start World War III.” -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America
Note: Democracy for America has long been a consistent advocate for careful consideration and congressional consultation concerning the use of military force in Syria, including throughout the Obama administration. A couple of links which quote us in that regard:
WASHINGTON POST (9/2/2013): Why the left is split on Syria
WALL STREET JOURNAL (9/12/2013): Obama Finds Unlikely Allies, Foes Over Syria Strikes
POLITICO (9/12/14 ): House GOP crafting Syria strategy
REAL CLEAR POLITICS (9/15/2014): Obama, Congress, ISIL: Where Things Stand & What's Next