Ted Deutch
For Immediate Release: September 27th, 2012 Contact: Linsey Pecikonis
(202) 746-8426
[email protected]
Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America
(DFA), endorsed Ted Deutch for Congress to represent Floridas 21th congressional
district. Ted has represented the district since 2010 and prior to being
elected to Congress he was a member of the Florida State Senate.
"Teds an outspoken advocate who has fought tirelessly for
our seniors, for womens rights and homeowners,said Jim Dean, Chair
of DFA.Teds unafraid to fight uphill battles and engages in the toughest
of disputes hes a true voice for the people. Just look at his record
hes a great member of Congress. Economic recovery? He has a plan. Underwater
mortgages? Hes fought for mortgage reform. He even refuses to support a
bill or any legislation that would privatize social security or Medicare.
Congressman Deutch introduced the OCCUPIED amendment in the House, which would
overturn theCitizens Uniteddecision. The Congressman also
co-sponsored the bill to protect womens access to reproductive health services
(H.R. 2543) and cosponsored H.R.3346 which extended unemployment insurance to
those in need and helped Americans through the worst financial crisis since the
Great Depression. "I am thrilled to have the support of
Democracy for America, an organization whose members understand that corporate
control of our elections threatens the integrity of our democracy,"said
Congressman Ted Deutch."At a time when special interests stand
in the way of achieving progress on so many issues, Democracy for America's
work electing leaders committed to putting the priorities of the American
people first is invaluable."
AMERICA Democracy for Americais the people-powered Democratic Political
Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide,DFAis a
grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party
from the bottom-up.