VICTORY: DFA celebrates Katie Porter’s (CA-45) inclusive populist win in Orange County, CA

Katie Porter just won her race for Congress in California's 45th Congressional District, delivering, over a week after election, yet another victory in the long-held Republican stronghold of Orange County.

Democracy for America endorsed Porter early in her Democratic Primary in January 2018.

DFA's Executive Director Charles Chamberlain on Katie Porters's stunning victory in California's 45th District:

"Katie Porter was counted out of the race for California's 45th District over and over again, both by Republicans and Wall Street-wing Democrats intent on using her as some misguided cautionary tale about the 'dangers' fighting for a bold, inclusive populist agenda, like Medicare for All.

"After a long fought campaign, Katie Porter's victory tonight is not only another example of the political transformation that's come to Orange County, California, it's a reminder of what kind of change is possible when Democrats stand up for progressive values and run campaigns that are committed to earning the support and delivering the votes of the New American Majority of Black, brown, and progressive white voters.

"Democracy for America was honored to support Katie Porter early on in her campaign, and we know that the fight she waged for every single vote throughout this campaign directly reflects the fight she'll wage every day in Congress for the families that call the California's 45th home." -- Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director, Democracy for America

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