VICTORY: DFA celebrates Katie Porter’s win in California’s 45th Congressional District
Early this morning, Katie Porter won one of the top two spots in the race to flip California's 45th Congressional District to Democrats in November.
Democracy for America (DFA) was a fierce supporter of Porter's race in the 45th with its one million members nationwide making more than 43,400 of calls to directly voters in the district to help Porter, an ally of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, defeat a corporate Democrat.
DFA Chair Jim Dean on Katie Porter's primary top-two victory in California's 45th Congressional District:
"Katie Porter's top-two victory in this primary means that voters in California's 45th Congressional District now have the candidate best equipped to defeat Mimi Walters in November, and a fearless champion for progressive values to cast their ballot for this fall who is committed to fighting for inclusive populist reforms like Medicare for All.
"Democracy for America was proud to have Katie Porter's back in this primary, and we couldn't be more excited to continue fighting for Orange County working families alongside her through November." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America