VICTORY: DFA celebrates Paulette Jordan’s history-making win in Idaho Gubernatorial primary
Paulette Jordan just won the Democratic gubernatorial primary in Idaho -- and is on her way to becoming as the first Native American in U.S. History to lead a state as governor.
Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Jordan’s campaign for Governor in March.
DFA’s Jim Dean on Paulette Jordan’s victory in Idaho’s gubernatorial primary:
"When insiders tried to shut down Paulette Jordan’s campaign down before it even began, she ignored the naysayers, ran a campaign firmly rooted in progressive values, and now is on her way to making history as the country’s first Native American governor.
“Paulette Jordan’s victory in Idaho’s gubernatorial primary is a testament to her tenacity, her willingness to confront the powerful corporate interests who have controlled Boise for decades, and the broad-based inclusive populist coalition Democrats need behind them in Idaho and across the country to win this Fall.
“We were thrilled to support Paulette Jordan in the primary and we couldn’t be more excited to help her and the grassroots movement behind her make history in Idaho in November." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America