VICTORY: DFA cheers Ilhan Omar’s MN-05 primary victory over “wealthy, right-wing interests”
Ilhan Omar just successfully beat back a primary challenge in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.
Omar was one of DFA’s very first endorsements of the 2020 cycle in March 2019 and received DFA’s support in her first race for Congress in 2018.
DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on Ilhan Omar’s 2020 primary victory in Minnesota:
“Rep. Ilhan Omar’s win in this primary is a tremendous victory for voters in her district and progressives across the country that all but ensures that every single original member of ‘the squad’ will continue leading the fight for a bold progressive agenda in Congress next year.
“These primary results should also make it clear that the wealthy Democratic Party insiders and right-wing interests who’ve done everything in their power to tear Ilhan Omar down over the last two years and prop up her opponent in this primary can’t smear and lie their way to victory over a progressive leader who’s willing to buck the status quo, speak truth to power, and fight for justice.
“Democracy for America has been honored to fight alongside Rep. Ilhan Omar in both of her primary victories and we look forward to continuing our battle for Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, robust criminal justice reform, and more just U.S. foreign policy at her side for many years to come.” -- Yvette Simpson, Chief Executive Officer, Democracy for America