VICTORY: DFA cheers Mike Levin’s primary win in California’s 49th Congressional District

Early this morning, Mike Levin won one of the top-two spots in the race to flip California's 49th Congressional District to Democrats in November.

DFA Chair Jim Dean on Mike Levin's primary top-two victory in the CA-49:

"Darrell Issa retired because he was afraid of facing a candidate like progressive Mike Levine who's capable of uniting Democrats with his commitment to confronting Donald Trump's hate-fueled agenda and running a campaign driven by inclusive populist priorities like Medicare for All, comprehensive immigration reform, and a robust commitment to environmental protection that inspire voters who haven't traditionally turned out in non-presidential elections.

"Democracy for America members were excited to support Mike Levin in his primary, are thrilled about his victory this evening, and can't wait to help him defeat his right-wing, Trump-apologist opponent this November." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

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