VICTORY: DFA-endorsed Randy Bryce wins U.S. House primary in Wisconsin’s 1st
Randy Bryce just won the Democratic Primary in Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District and is now set to take on Paul Ryan's handpicked successor in November.
Democracy for America was an early endorser of Bryce and the first national, multi-issue progressive group to back him in his race for Congress.
Statement from Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean on Randy Bryce's primary victory in the WI-01:
"Randy Bryce's campaign inspired hundreds of thousands across the country, scared Paul Ryan out of running for reelection, and his victory in today's primary is a testament to the strength of people power in 2018.
"Democracy for America was the first national progressive group to back Randy's campaign, because our members saw him as the kind of unapologetic, inclusive populist fighter we needed to take on the Speaker of the House. A champion for Medicare for All with a demonstrated commitment to standing up in the fight for racial and economic justice, Randy Bryce is more than ready to defeat Paul Ryan's mini-me in November." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America
In addition to backing Bryce early, Democracy for America members raised and contributed $75,018.24 to Bryce's primary effort via 9,803 individual contributions (avg. contribution $7.65) and made more than 11,100 volunteer phone calls to voters in his district to help Get-Out-the-Vote in the closing days of the race.