VICTORY: DFA revels in Ortiz Jones’ victory in run-off in Texas’ 23rd Congressional District

Gina Ortiz Jones just won the Democratic primary runoff in Texas' 23rd Congressional District.

Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Ortiz Jones' campaign for congress in January.

DFA's Jim Dean on Gina Ortiz Jones's victory in the Democratic runoff in Texas' 23rd Congressional District:

"As an Air Force veteran, a member of the LGBTQ community, and a first-generation American, Gina Ortiz Jones will not only blaze a new trail as the U.S. House's first Filipina-American, she'll bring the critical lived experiences of many of the people that the Trump administration is seeking to marginalize to Washington's corridors of power

"We were thrilled to support Gina Ortiz Jones throughout the primary, and Democracy for America members in Texas and across the country are excited to do what we can to ensure she beats her fringe-right, Trump-enabling opponent in November." -- Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America

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