VICTORY: DFA says Rashida Tlaib’s huge victory in MI-13 is a “clear vote of support”
Rashida Tlaib just successfully fought back a primary challenge in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District.
DFA made Tlaib was one of its very first endorsements of the 2020 cycle in March 2019 and was one of her early primary supporters ahead of her 2018 race.
DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on Rashida Tlaib’s 2020 primary victory in Michigan:
“From the very first day of her very first campaign, Rashida Tlaib has known exactly the families and communities she’s fighting for and the powerful interests she’s willing to take on to do it. That’s why voters in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District gave Rashida Tlaib their clear vote of support in this primary and why she will continue to be one of the most outspoken and courageous champions for progressive change we have in the U.S. House.
“Make no mistake, Rashida Tlaib earned the support of 13th District voters because she fearlessly stood up for progressive values and fought to deliver for her constituents. In less than two years in Congress, Rashida not only became a national leader in the fight for key progressive priorities like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, she also got a Republican president she vowed to impeach to sign a bill she championed protecting pension benefits, successfully passed an amendment to fund the replacement of lead water pipes, and set-up four in-district service centers to directly aid her constituents.
“Democracy of America has been honored to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Rashida since before she was grabbing headlines in Washington, and we can’t wait to continue fighting alongside her as she continues her fight for Michigan’s 13th and our shared progressive values.” -- Yvette Simpson, Chief Executive Officer, Democracy for America