WI Ad Release

Ad Released by DFA and PCCC Chronicles Wisconsinites Protesting in the Bitter Cold to Protect Their Rights and Their Families ***************WATCH THE AD HERE: WarOnWorkingFamilies.com*************** Today, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America released a new TV ad in Wisconsin accusing Gov. Scott Walker of launching a Republican war on working families. The ad features Wisconsinites at last Saturdays Madison rally and calls on voters to join the fight against Gov. Walker at WarOnWorkingFamilies.com. Gov. Walker and the Republicans just gave over 100 million dollars in tax cuts to corporations and now they are asking teachers and nurses to pay for itand attacking workers rights to negotiate for fair benefits, says Emily Pease-Clem, a teacher from Madison, WI, in the ad while she stood in the snow outside the Wisconsin State House. This is Republican class warfare an attack on the middle class. This is a battle we need to win, says Kathleen Slamka, an Electrician from Oak Creed, WI in the ad. The ad is initially scheduled to air from today until Friday in the Madison and Milwaukee media markets. PCCC and DFA will raise money through emails to their memberships in order to expand the ad buy to other media markets and for more days. PCCC has over 700,000 members, including over 22,000 in Wisconsin. DFA has over 1 million members nationally, including over 25,000 in Wisconsin. The two groups combined raised nearly $160,000 for Wisconsin Senate Democrats in the last week. Watch the ad and read the transcript below. WATCH THE AD HERE: WarOnWorkingFamilies.com TRANSCRIPT: PCCC/DFA Wisconsin Ad: Republican War On Working Families 60 Sec. Emily Pease-Clem, Teacher Madison, WI: Governor Walker and the Republicans just gave over $100 million in tax cuts to corporations. And now theyre asking teachers and nurses to pay for it. And attacking workers right to negotiate for fair benefits. Richard Scoby, Graphic Designer Middleton, WI: It will probably cost us between $400 and $500 a month in income. I've tried not to think about it, just be out here on the square. It's not selfish. It's just survival. Kristine Fantetti, Secretary Whitewater, WI: I'm just a secretary. And this bill that Walker's proposing is going to cost me over $3,000 a year. Not to mention more down the road when we lose our collective bargaining rights. Jeremiah Holden, Educator Madison, WI: I believe that the issues that are being discussed here in Madison are not unique to Madison or the state of Wisconsin. These are national issues. Money is being taken away from workers and the tax breaks given to major corporations. Kathleen Slamka, Electrician Oak Creek, WI: This is Republican class warfare an attack on the middle class. This is a battle we need to win. Text: STOP THE REPUBLICAN WAR ON WORKING FAMILIES WarOnWorkingFamilies.com PAID FOR BY THE PROGRESSIVE CHANGE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE AND DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA # ABOUT PROGRESSIVE CHANGE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (BoldProgressives.org) elects bold progressive candidates to office and advocates for progressive policy issues. It has over 700,000 members -- including nearly 22,000 in Wisconsin. ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up including over 25,000 in Wisconsin http://www.DemocracyForAmerica.com Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com, and not authorized by any candidate.
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