Democracy for America: Its Now or Never in

Wisconsin Recall

Get Out The Vote is in full swing

Burlington, VT Today, Democracy for America (DFA) intensified its

ground game to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) in Wisconsin's recall efforts - by

committing to knock on 5,000 doors a day and calling over 8,000 households a

day till June 5. Working alongside the We Are Wisconsin coalition, DFA's

30,000 members continue to be a valuable asset to the coalition and enhance

GOTV efforts. DFA has previously committed to knocking on 80,000 doors

and making over 100,000 calls to recall Gov. Scott Walker. DFA is known for its

strength on the ground and will focus its efforts on turning out voters in Dane

County the key to recalling Gov. Walker.

For working families in Wisconsin, its now or never,said Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America. Democracy for

America and our members continue to organize and get out the vote in Wisconsin.

Gov. Scott Walkers policies attack the very core of what we value a hard

days work should earn a livable wage. Let me make this perfectly clear,

Democrats need to get out and support working families on June 5th. In the 15 month long campaign Democracy for America has


Knocked on 123,000

doors to identify Wisconsin voters who support the recall efforts;

Made over 382,000

phone calls in over 36 counties across the state; and

Over 2500 DFA members

have volunteered their time to help in the recall efforts


progressives, independents and anyone who believes in the American Dream must

get out and recall Gov. Walker,Jim Dean continued. This recall

effort in Wisconsin is an indicator of whether we will allow our elected

officials to continue to balance the budget on the backs of working

people. While Gov. Walker and his GOP cronies in the State House

are only concerned about securing a fat check from big business and Super PACs,

Democracy for America is giving a voice to those who need it all working

families in the state.

Democracy for America, led by its 30,000 members in Wisconsin, has been on the

ground fighting back and protecting working families for the past 15

months. DFA organizers are leading three major get out the vote efforts

in Racine, Madison and Eau Claire.

Support Progressives!

Democracy for America supporters like you are mobilizing to support progressive candidates and policies -- and defeat Republicans in elections cross the country. Are you in?