WI Robocall Release

Wisconsin Teacher Records Robo-call Targeting Republican Senators Vulnerable to Recall Today, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America launched joint robocalls in the districts of five Republican state senators three immediately vulnerable to a recall plus Senate President Michael Ellis and Sen. Dale Schultz (SD 17), who are vulnerable in a year. In the robocall to 50,000 voters, New London school teacher and PCCC member Aimee Auer holds Republican senators accountable for supporting Governor Walker's attacks on working families and asks voters whether they would be open to recalling their local senator. The PCCC and DFA have over 45,000 local members in Wisconsin who could be mobilized around such a recall. Auer is a constituent of Sen. Luther Olsen (SD 14). Other senators whose constituents are getting calls are Sen. Dale Schultz (SD 17), Sen. Robert L. Cowles (SD 2), Sen. Dan Kapanke (SD 32), and Sen. Mike Ellis (SD 19). "Here in Wisconsin we are sending a message to our Republican senators," said Ron Biendseil, a Democracy For America member from Middleton. "We will not be bullied by Gov. Walker's unfair attempt to attack workers and take away our rights -- and if the Republicans go along with Walker, they will be looking for new jobs sooner than they think." The transcript of one of the calls, which will run this week, is available below. # See robocall here: http://bit.ly/eXTBYL TRANSCRIPT: Hi, this is Aimee -- a school teacher from New London. I'm calling from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America with a quick question. Governor Scott Walker, Luther Olsen and other Republican politicians just gave 117 million dollars to corporations in tax cuts. And now they are asking underpaid teachers and nurses to pay for it. That's just wrong. Republicans are also trying to take away the right of people like me to negotiate for fair pay and benefits. Our Senator, Luther Olsen is one of them. Some voters are talking about recalling him from office and replacing him with someone else. Press 1 if you would be open to recalling him if he keeps this up. Press 2 if you wouldn't be. Great. Thank you! If you want to help, the best thing you can do is join thousands of Wisconsin voters and call your state Senator. We're telling him to stop supporting Governor Walker's attacks on working families -- and if he doesn't, a recall is on the table. To be connected to his office, press "1" now. If you cant call right now, press 2." Thanks for your time. This call has been paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee [phone] and Democracy for America [phone]. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ABOUT PROGRESSIVE CHANGE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (BoldProgressives.org) elects bold progressive candidates to office and advocates for progressive policy issues. It has over 700,000 members -- including nearly 22,000 in Wisconsin. ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA Democracy for America is a people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up including over 25,000 in Wisconsin http://www.DemocracyForAmerica.com Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com, and not authorized by any candidate.
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