Democracy for America Screens Documentary by American Soldiers in Iraq and Launches Congressional Ap


During the week of February 18-24, Democracy for America (DFA) local grassroots chapters across the country will host hundreds of screenings of the provocative and hard-hitting documentary The War Tapes and then call on Congress to stop the Presidents plan to escalate the occupation of Iraq.

Straight from the front lines in Iraq, The War Tapes is the first war movie filmed by soldiers themselves. The War Tapes is the complete story of three very different soldiers. It focuses not just on the war, but life back home and the difficult ways family and relationships change. The film is powerful and moving conveying both the passion and mindset of American soldiers and the incredible human and community cost of war.

American voters around the country are standing up to voice opposition to President Bushs escalation of the occupation of Iraq, said Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean. The War Tapes makes clear why our message is end the occupation and bring our brave men and women home.

For more information on DFA event screenings across America:

Democracy for America, which was founded by Howard Dean in 2004, is a political action committee dedicated to building a grassroots network of socially progressive and fiscally responsible activists running for all levels of office - from the school board to the presidency. DFA is empowering everyday Americans to reform their political system.

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