2014 Midterms: DFA elects progressives up and down the ballot
First the bad news: In 2014, Republicans took control of the U.S. Senate.
But even on a tough election night, we won some important victories. Because Democracy for America members like you made phone calls, knocked on doors, donated money and worked to get out the vote for campaigns across the country, Jeff Merkley won his campaign for Senate despite facing an overwhelming avalanche of Koch brothers money.
The bright spots in this election come from candidates who understood that the path to victory is to run hard on a populist progressive economic vision -- Elizabeth Warren's vision for fighting and winning across America.
Sen. Brian Schatz and Sen. Jeff Merkley beat candidates backed by Wall Street because they led on issues like raising the minimum wage, expanding Social Security, and taking real action on climate change. These progressive victories aren't just a silver lining on a dark cloud. They show the path forward to winning big in 2016.
Elizabeth Warren said it best on our DFA Live conference call two weeks ago: We can "whine and whimper about the Republican agenda... or we can fight back." With Mitch McConnell and Republicans taking over control of the Senate, that choice is easy.
It doesn't matter if it's Harry Truman or Howard Dean who said it best, but if "voters have a choice between a Republican candidate and a Republican-lite candidate, voters will choose a real Republican every time."
Voters -- especially those who turnout in presidential years for Democrats -- are looking for bold solutions to the income inequality crisis, not campaigns and candidates that look and sound like slightly better versions of Republicans..
We stood up and fought back. That's how we took back Congress in 2006 and that's how we elected Barack Obama president in 2008: We stood for progressive values and we organized voters to support progressive candidates.
We did it because we had the Iraq War to stop. We fought back because millions of Americans needed health care. We worked sleepless nights and volunteered countless hours to kick Republicans out of the Senate and Bush/Cheney out of the White House because we cared about the future of America.
There are important elections coming up in Chicago, San Francisco, and across the country in the next few months. We'll soon see candidates for president begin to emerge.
In 2015 and 2016, we'll support candidates who will go on offense, by advancing a bold vision for reducing income inequality and rebuilding the middle class.