DFA launches Purple to Blue; drives victory in Virginia

DFA’s Purple to Blue Project is a national, multi-year effort to win Governorships, State House and Senate Chambers across the country by making so-called “purple” state legislative seats decisively Democratic. 

Virginia was our first test. In 2013,  thanks in part to the work of DFA members help getting out the vote for candidates up and down the ticket, Democrats were elected to every statewide office - including Governor. Further proving the effectiveness of our work and the threat we posed to Republicans in Virginia, Monty Mason’s Tea Party opponent desperately ran T.V. ads attacking Monty for Democracy for America's support. It didn’t work. Monty Mason decisively won the seat with our support and brought Democrats in the State House one seat closer to defeating the Republican super-majority
DFA was the largest progressive contributor to state legislative candidates and our support didn't end on Election Day. DFA members raised more than $45,000 directly in support of two recount campaigns, including the winning recount campaign of Attorney General Mark Herring.  
Support Progressives!

Democracy for America supporters like you are mobilizing to support progressive candidates and policies -- and defeat Republicans in elections cross the country. Are you in?