Democracy for America backs Jeff Merkley for reelection to the U.S. Senate

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Sen. Jeff Merkley for reelection to the U.S. Senate in Oregon.

DFA was a strong supporter of Sen. Merkley in his first reelection bid in 2014 and, over the last six years, has worked closely with him on everything from progressive fights for filibuster reform and Medicare for All to battles against war with Iran and Donald Trump’s right-wing Supreme Court nominees.

Merkley is DFA’s first endorsement of a 2020 U.S. Senate incumbent.

So far this cycle, DFA has endorsed six 2020 Senate challengers including Cal Cunningham in North Carolina, Teresa Tomlinson and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Georgia, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Jaime Harrison in South Carolina, and Betsy Sweet in Maine. To take the Senate majority, Democrats must add four to their current 47 seats.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots group’s endorsement of Sen. Jeff Merkley’s Oregon reelection bid:

“Sen. Jeff Merkley is one the strongest, most reliable champions that progressives have in the U.S. Senate and we couldn’t be more excited to support him for reelection this fall.

“Whether we’ve been pushing for progressive priorities like Medicare for All or battling back the worst parts of Donald Trump’s agenda, Sen. Merkley hasn’t just been an ally for our movement, he’s been a strong champion and a proactive partner in our fight for progressive change.

“It’s absolutely critical that Democrats retake the majority of the U.S. Senate this year. That means winning four additional seats, but it also means holding on to the seats we already have, especially ones held by reliable partners like Sen. Merkley in progressive states like Oregon.

“Democracy for America is honored to stand with Sen. Jeff Merkley in the U.S. Senate and in his campaign for reelection in 2020” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Sen. Jeff Merkley on receiving DFA’s endorsement:

"I'm grateful for Democracy for America's endorsement and I look forward to continuing our shared work as we tackle the unprecedented challenges ahead. Grassroots movements have the power to change this country from the inside out. We need to get out the vote like we never have before, elect progressive leaders who are competent, compassionate and will do everything in their power to fight for the people, not the powerful. We can pull our country out of these dark times if we come together and fight with everything we have. I'm with you every step of the way. Let's do this!" -- Sen. Jeff Merkley

DFA has 27,623 members in Oregon and more than one million members nationwide.

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