We know climate change is real, it’s here, and there’s little time for us to prevent it from turning into a devastating disaster – one that will wreak havoc on some of the most vulnerable communities across our country and the planet.

We need legislation like the Green New Deal and progressive leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to mitigate the worst impacts climate change, create good jobs, and promote environmental justice.

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America Rolls Out 2022 General Election Slate

 Democracy for America Rolls Out 2022 General Election State: 4 Senate, 26 House Candidates, 19 Statewide, and 47 Down-Ballot Candidates in 25 States

Progressive PAC Contacts 1.2 Million Voters in Key Battleground States This Cycle to Turnout New American Majority Voters

(Vermont) – Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its slate of general election endorsements: 96 candidates across 25 states, primarily concentrated in North Carolina, Michigan, Georgia, and other battleground states (full list of endorsements below). 

The endorsements are part of DFA’s ongoing efforts to build a more inclusive Congress and representative state legislatures that reflect the changing demographics of the US. 71% of DFA’s candidate slate are part of the New American Majority – young people, Black, Indigenous, and people of color, which make up the largest voting bloc in the US.

“Despite Democrats controlling Congress during the first two years of the Biden administration, there was a real limit to what we were able to accomplish that directly correlates to not having enough progressives in office at the federal level,” said Democracy for America CEO, Yvette Simpson. “By electing more diverse and bold progressive candidates in 2022, we can help break through the gridlock in Washington and finally deliver for the American people on widely popular promises like raising the federal minimum wage, codifying abortion access, and protecting voting rights.”

DFA has endorsed US Senate candidates Mandela Barnes (WI), Cheri Beasley (NC), Alex Padilla (CA), and Charles Booker (KY) – as well as frontline House incumbents like Katie Porter (CA-47) and Andy Kim (NJ-03). Sixteen of DFA’s federal candidates are running for open seats or as challengers, including candidates like Greg Casar (TX-35), Summer Lee (PA-18), Emilia Sykes (OH-13), Jevin Hodge (AZ-01), and Maxwell Frost (FL-10). Progressive victories in these races are necessary to retain Democratic control of Congress.

“Our candidates are overwhelmingly young, people of color, who are not from the political or moneyed elite – they reflect the communities they’re running to represent,” said Chris Scott, Chief Political Officer for Democracy for America. “We’re thrilled to endorse these progressive powerhouses and are eager to get them elected in November.”

At the state level, DFA has backed 19 statewide and 47 down-ballot candidates as part of its Purple to Blue program, a multi-year, multi-state, multi-million dollar effort to flip Republican Governor seats and state legislatures to Democratic control. DFA will be supporting Stacey Abrams and Beto O’Rourke with on-the-ground efforts this cycle to turn out voters to flip Georgia and Texas Blue.

“In 2022, the main focus for most progressive organizations has been saving the Democratic majority in Congress, but we can’t lose sight of the critical need to rebuild progressive power in the states,” said Scott. “For too long, Republicans in state legislatures have been unchecked in their assault on our rights – from abortion to our ability to vote to the freedom to marry. Running strong candidates in every race and engaging with voters who have been left behind by national parties, is how we fight back.”

As part of our endorsement, DFA is mailing 200,000 postcards to low propensity and newly registered New American Majority voters in North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas to expand the electorate. In the weeks leading up to the election, DFA will also send texts to 1.2 million voters in Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas, and Florida in addition to providing direct fundraising and organizing support for candidates. 


Federal candidates:

U.S. Senate

Alex Padilla (CA)

Charles Booker (KY)

Cheri Beasley (NC)

Mandela Barnes (WI)


U.S. House

Jevin Hodge (AZ–01)

Sydney Kamlager (CA–37)

Robert Garcia    (CA –42)

Katie Porter (CA –47)

Mike Levin (CA–49)

Joe Neguse (CO–2)

Brittany Pettersen (CO–07)

Maxwell Frost    (FL–10)

Annette Taddeo (FL–27)

Nikema Williams (GA–05)

Delia Ramirez    (IL–03)

Lauren Underwood (IL–14)

Ayanna Pressley (MA–07)

Ilhan Omar (MI–05)

Rashida Tlaib    (MI–12)

Cori Bush (MO–01)

Andy Kim (NJ–03)

Alexandria Ocasio –Cortez (NY–14)

Jamaal Bowman (NY–16)

Josh Riley (NY–19)

Emilia Sykes (OH–13)

Jamie McLeod –Skinner (OR–05)

Summer Lee    (PA–18)

Michelle Vallejo (TX–15)

Jasmine Crockett (TX–30)

Greg Casar (TX–35)

Purple to Blue – State Executive Office
Stacey Abrams – Georgia, Governor

William Boddie  – Georgia Labor Commissioner

Deidre DeJear – Iowa, Governor

Garlin Gilchrist  – Michigan, Lt. Governor

Jena Griswold – Colorado, Secretary of State

Danielle Helzer  – Nebraska, State Board of Education, District 6

Nakita Hemingway  – Georgia, Commissioner of Agriculture

Chris Jones – Arkansas, Governor

Beto O’Rourke – Texas, Governor


Purple to Blue – State Legislative Candidates

Gabriel Acevero  – Maryland State House, District 39

John Adams  – Wisconsin State House, District 74

Joycle Barlow  – Georgia State House, District 151

Rosemary Bayer  – Michigan State Senate, District 13

Terry Brown – North Carolina State House, District 92

Christy Clark  – North Carolina State House, District 98

Maria Cervani  – North Carolina State House, District 41

Jennifer Conlin  – Michigan State House, District 31

Amy DeLoach  – North Carolina State House, District 20

Oscar De Los Santos  – Arizona State House, District 11

Courtney Driver  – Georgia State House, District 146

Malcolm Hall  – North Carolina State House, District 51

Nabilah Islam  – Georgia State Senate, District 7

Frances Jackson  – North Carolina State House, District 45

Larry Jackson  – Michigan State House, District 86

Matielyn Jones  – Georgia State Senate, District 45

Graig Meyer  – North Carolina State Senate, District 23

Natalie Murdock – North Carolina State Senate, District 20

Kim Nagy  – Michigan State House, District 31

Jim Obergefell – Ohio State House, District 89

Eunic Ortiz – Florida State Senate, District 18

Garland Pierce  – North Carolina State House, District 48

Lindsey Prather  – North Carolina State House, District 115

Renee Price  – North Carolina State House, District 50

Becca Rausch  – Massachusetts State Senate – Norfolk, Worcester and Middlesex

Michele Rayner Goolsby  – Florida State House, District 62

Kristine Reeves – Washington State House, HD –30 Position 2

JD Scholten – Iowa State House, District 1

Izzy Smith –Wade –El  – Pennsylvania State House, District 49

Diamond Stanton –Williams  – North Carolina State House, District 73

Penelope Tsernoglou  – Michigan State House, District 75

Julie Von Haefen  – North Carolina State House, District 36

Kelly Westlund  – Wisconsin State Senate, District 25

Robert Zeigler – Pennsylvania State House, District 171


Establish Justice Candidates

Aramis Ayala – Florida Attorney General

Diana Becton – California, Contra Costa District Attorney

Rob Bonta – California Attorney General

Andrea Campbell – Massachusetts Attorney General

Keith Ellison – Minnesota Attorney General

Julie Gunnigle  – Arizona, Maricopa County Attorney

Stacy Hackenburg  – Texas, William County Justice of the Peace

Letitia James – New York Attorney General

Terri Jamison  – Ohio, Supreme Court Judge

DeSean Jones  – Texas, Harris County Judge

Mary Moriarty  – Minnesota, Hennepin County Attorney

Dana Nessel – Michigan Attorney General

Pamela Price – California, Alameda County District Attorney

Mercedes Watts  – Michigan, 20th Circuit Judge

Timothy Wright III – Illinois, Cook County Circuit Judge


50 State Strategy – Local Candidates

Pat Cotham – North Carolina, Mecklenburg County Commissioner, At-Large

Megan Green – Missouri, St. Louis President of the Board of Aldermen

Vi Lyles – North Carolina, Charlotte Mayor

Stephanie Manning – Alabama, Limestone County Commissioner, District 3

Treva Reid – California, Oakland Mayor

Lawana Slack Mayfield  – North Carolina, Charlotte At-Large City Council

Cameron Sasai – California, Pinole City Council

Daniela Silva – Texas, Austin City Council, District 3



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DFA Press Release

DFA Backs Jessica Cisneros in TX-28 rematch

(Vermont) -- Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Democracy for America (DFA) backs Jessica Cisneros’ rematch campaign against Rep. Henry Cuellar in Texas’ 28th Congressional District.

Immigration attorney and lifelong Texan, Cisneros came within striking distance of ousting seven-term corporate Democrat Cuellar in 2020 and is now ready to finish the job. DFA was an early supporter of Cisneros and is jumping in to support her rematch campaign as part of the group’s long-term strategy to Flip the South.

“Jessica Cisneros is tested, trusted, and a fearless progressive leader who will not back down from the monumental crises Americans are facing,” said Chief Political Officer, Chris Scott. “It seems like every day there are new headlines coming out of the Texas state legislature about Republicans attacking personal liberties – from access to abortion to the right to vote; quite frankly, the stakes are far too high to have Representatives at the federal level like Henry Cuellar, who are afraid to roll up their sleeves and make real change for our families.” Thank 

“The last thing Texans need after this year is more of the same. They need a relentless champion like Jessica Cisneros, who not only understands their struggles but also believes a better future is possible through a people-powered movement. Jessica has the momentum, the experience, and the progressive values to win this race, and DFA is more than ready to help her do it.”

“I am so proud to have the endorsement of Democracy for America because of our shared belief that democracy is best served when working-class people of color are fully integrated into the decision-making process," said Jessica Cisneros. “It is now more important than ever that the people of South Texas have a representative who reflects their stories, has shared their struggles, and is committed to fighting for working-class families. Henry Cuellar isn’t fighting for South Texas - he stopped fighting for us a long time ago and has chosen to prioritize corporate interests and his Republican donors over our community. South Texas deserves a representative who will fight for our dreams as hard as we do.”

DFA has 1,172 members in TX-28, 66,650 members in the state of Texas, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA endorses Rana Abdelhamid in NY-12

(Vermont) -- Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Democracy for America (DFA) endorses progressive House challenger Rana Abdelhamid in New York’s 12th Congressional district. 

Abdelhamid, a New York native entrepreneur, seeks to oust millionaire and establishment Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney. NY-12 has one of the highest levels of income inequality in the state and in the country and has suffered greatly in the midst of COVID-19. 

“During the first eight months of the Biden administration, we’ve seen Democrats like Rep. Maloney concede so much in the name of bipartisanship; human infrastructure, robust action on climate change, and structural democracy reforms are just a few of the things we’ve seen on the chopping block,” said Chief Political Officer, Chris Scott. “Let’s be clear: bipartisan support on watered-down bills does nothing to change the lives of Americans struggling to make ends meet. 

“Rana Abdelhamid has built a people-powered, grassroots campaign that will take on the wealthy elite and topple political machines. She is ready to hit the ground running and build a broad coalition of support around progressive ideals – and DFA will be alongside her both all the while. With so much at stake in 2022, now is not the time to play it safe. Now is the time to act boldly and support innovative, populist candidates that will energize voters.” 

“It’s an honor to have the support of Democracy for America, which has endorsed so many of the progressives in Congress that I admire,” said Rana Abdelhamid. “I couldn’t be more excited to build a grassroots progressive movement alongside them and to bring a new generation of leadership to NY-12.” 

DFA has 10,990 members in NY-12, 117,602 members in the state of New York, and more than a million members nationwide. 

DFA Press Release

DFA endorses 6 progressive House members for reelection

(Vermont) -- Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Reps. Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), Cori Bush (MO-01), Andy Kim (NJ-03), Joe Neguse (CO-02), Marie Newman (IL-03), and Katie Porter (CA-45) for reelection. Previously, DFA has endorsed all six candidates, with the exception of Kim, across the 2018 and 2020 cycles.

All six candidates have proven to be fierce advocates for progressive values during their time in the House and subsequently have been targeted by conservatives and corporate Democrats alike. DFA is endorsing in their respective races early as part of a continued commitment to being the tip of the spear in backing progressive candidates who run, fight and lead with a people-powered agenda.

“House progressives, like these six candidates, are a beacon of hope amidst the sea of complacency and business-as-usual we’re seeing from Washington these days,” said CPO, Chris Scott. “Rep. Cori Bush slept outside for five days in the fight to extend the eviction moratorium and keep our families housed. Reps. Joe Neguse and Andy Kim summoned remarkable courage and political will to challenge his Republican colleagues in the aftermath of the insurrection. Rep. Katie Porter continues to go toe-to-toe with industry tycoons and corrupt corporate entities with unshakeable convictions. Rep. Marie Newman fearlessly champions LGBTQIA+ rights, and Rep. Jamaal Bowman continues to center climate justice in conversations about education, the economy, and infrastructure.”

“Individually, their actions are commendable and make DFA proud to endorse them for re-election – collectively, they symbolize the bold and populist agenda we exist to lift up. This group of lawmakers is reflective of the New American Majority not just because of their diverse backgrounds, but because of their deeply held beliefs in putting people first. DFA looks forward to working towards getting all six candidates reelected next year.”

DFA has more than 28,262 members spread across their six congressional districts, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release


(VERMONT) -- It is with a heavy heart that we share that on Monday, Aug 2, 2021our Communications Director, Kelley Jackson, suddenly passed away. In her time with Democracy for America, Kelley was responsible for creating and initiating DFA’s communication strategy, planning, and execution along with expanding DFA’s footprint as a leader in the progressive movement.

“This past week has been extremely difficult for the DFA family. To lose a beloved family member is never easy. Kelley Jackson brought so much energy and passion to her work each and every day. To have known her was to witness the combination of brilliance and courage, mixed with a deep passion for making this nation better. She had an essence, a sweet spirit full of fun, sassiness & love of life. Kelley had a positive impact on everyone she engaged with, one conversation at a time. She will dearly be missed and our hearts and prayers are with her daughter, family, and friends through this most difficult time.” - Yvette Simpson, CEO for Democracy for America.

Democracy for America will strive to honor Kelley Jackson’s legacy in all that we do. Kelley Jackson was a veteran communication professional of more than 20 years, working as a publicist, consultant, director, and more for both elected officials, government agencies, and nonprofits. She is survived by her daughter Isabella, whom she loved so dearly.

DFA Press Release


(Vermont) -- Today, progressive political action committee Democracy for America (DFA) is taking its brain trust and passion for movement work and launching Democracy for America Advocacy Fund (DFA-AF), a 501(c)4 advocacy group that will focus on structural democracy reform. 

DFA Advocacy Fund will capitalize on the 17 years of movement experience, loyalty and credibility found with DFA and extend that legacy of progressive leadership into work on the issues that uphold and fortify American democracy, as well as promote people-focused reforms and initiatives that make America work for all citizens by uplifting the New American Majority.

Led by Yvette Simpson who will serve as president, DFA-AF is hitting the ground running. Former Maine U.S. Senate candidate and social activist Betsy Sweet will administer the work on the initial pillars of focus: ending the filibuster; the use of ranked-choice voting; and combating voter suppression while expanding voting rights. Building upon DFA’s fully developed, battle-tested movement infrastructure, DFA-AF will create a throughline from the campaign work started by DFA to the structural democracy reform for which progressives fight.

“We have to approach this moment with the urgency it deserves. Our democracy is fragile and Republicans are actively attempting to dissolve our democracy in places across the country. Democracy for America Advocacy Fund was formed to stand up and fight back against forces determined to destroy the fabric of the democracy we hold dear,” said Yvette Simpson. 

“The life of our democracy is under threat. Without preserving and expanding its structural cornerstones, we could lose it. DFA Advocacy Fund is uniquely positioned to take on the fight of our lives,” said Betsy Sweet.

DFA Press Release

DFA backs Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin ahead of the highly-anticipated 2022 contested race for Sen. Ron Johnson’s seat. A Milwaukee native, Mandela has spent the last decade serving Wisconsinites – first in the State Assembly, then as the state’s first Black Lieutenant Governor. 

Mandela was born in one of the state’s most impoverished and incarcerated Zip Codes, a community starved of resources but brimming with joy, resilience, and hardworking, brilliant people. His mom was a school teacher in Milwaukee for 30 years. His dad worked 3rd shift at the General Motors plant. They were both active union members organizing for better wages and defending workers' rights. Their example showed him the importance of working hard and fighting for opportunity for everyone.

They also taught him we can’t settle for what is, we have to reach for what can be. Mandela is running for the United States Senate because he knows that when things get tough, we shouldn’t lower our expectations. Instead of changing our dreams, Mandela knows we need to change the game.

“Democracy for America has long been a supporter of Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes for the simple reason that he is the candidate that has answered the call, and has put in the work across the state of Wisconsin,” said Chief Political Officer, Chris Scott. “Mandela is a progressive not just in name, but in track record – he has devoted his life to fighting for our families and it shows.”

“Mandela is ready to go to the mat on issues like criminal justice reform, climate justice, and ending gun violence because he knows the pain and suffering they inflict firsthand. Just as this Senate run is a natural progression in Mandela’s lifelong pursuit of activism and community-building, it’s a no-brainer that DFA would jump in on day one to back this progressive powerhouse.”

“I’m so proud to have the support of Democracy for America in our campaign to bring progressive leadership to the United States Senate,” said Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. “DFA is a people-powered, activist organization that has always shown a steadfast dedication to empowering working people and communities that have been left behind. With their support, and with the support of communities in every corner of Wisconsin, we can create a movement centered on justice, beat Ron Johnson in November, and build the future we know is possible.”

This is DFA’s fourth U.S. Senate endorsement for 2022 (previous endorsements include Charles Booker (KY), Cheri Beasley (NC), and Malcolm Kenyatta (PA)) – and is part of the organization’s strategy to expand the Democrat’s narrow majority in Congress and build progressive power in the Senate.

 Democracy for America has 32,648 members in the state of Wisconsin, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA endorses the four original members of The Squad for reelection in 2022

(Vermont) -- Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Ayanna Pressley (MA-7), Ilhan Omar (MN-5), and Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) for reelection. The squad, as they have been dubbed, continue to press for progressive reforms for Americans and lean on the Biden administration to deliver.

All members of the Squad handily won re-election in 2020 and DFA continues to be the tip of the spear in endorsing progressive candidates who run, fight and lead with a people-powered agenda. DFA backed all four members of Congress in their competitive 2018 primaries and again in their 2020 reelection campaigns. These are DFA’s first reelection endorsements of the 2022 cycle. 

“Now, more than ever, we need bold, unapologetic political leadership like members of the Squad in Congress,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO. “In the first six months of the Biden administration, we’ve seen the Squad fight back against complacency and continue to center progressive narratives on key issues voters care most about. Most importantly, though, we’ve seen them challenge the notion that the bipartisanship and unity that the Biden presidency campaigned on has to come at the expense of real change for those that have waited for it. 

“We know that if the Democrats are going to expand their majority in Congress next year, it won’t be because we played it safe; it’ll be because we elected more progressives, and championed the kind of bold, people-powered policies that the Squad champions,” she said.

“These members continue to be some of the most steadfast, bold, and unapologetic voices in Congress and it’s clear that we need them to remain in Washington.”

DFA has more than 19,036 members spread across their four congressional districts, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA backs Charles Booker for 2022 Senate rematch in Kentucky

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Charles Booker for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, ahead of the 2022 race. Booker is a lifelong resident of Kentucky and a former member of the State House of Representatives. During his time in office, he was the state’s youngest Black lawmaker. 

DFA backed Booker in 2020 during his initial run for Senate against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, this is the group’s first Senate rematch endorsement of the 2022 cycle.

“Charles Booker shook the establishment to its core last year and sparked a progressive movement for the people of the Bluegrass State,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO. “This year, his campaign is picking up on that momentum to deliver a win for democracy in a matchup against anti-democratic, Trump-supporting Rand Paul. DFA couldn’t be more thrilled to be backing him on day one of his campaign.

“Time is up in Kentucky for leadership that doesn’t serve the best interests of its citizens. The Commonwealth has one of the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates and one of the highest rates of poverty. Kentuckians have suffered because of the current out-of-touch leadership that is more focused on partisan politics than the well-being of its constituents. Charles Booker understands what is possible when we invest in people, not corporate profits. DFA is jumping in with both feet to help Booker win, and looks forward to working with him and his team for years to come.”

“For years, Democracy for America has been on the front lines of the fight to build a more fair and equitable world,” said Charles Booker. “That’s what our campaign is all about, which is why I’m honored to have their support. Together, I believe we can transform our Commonwealth and our nation to build a society that works for everyone.”

Democracy for America has 13,351 members in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA Endorses Michele Rayner for Florida’s 13th Congressional District

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Michele Rayner for Florida’s 13th Congressional District ahead of the open 2022 race to fill Rep. Charlie Crist’s seat. If elected, Rayner would be the first openly queer Black women to serve in Congress.

A current Florida state representative and life-long resident, Rayner has an extensive track record of community-centered organizing and served as local council for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund before entering electoral politics.

“Democracy for America is excited to endorse Michele Rayner for Congress. Her experience has prepared her well for this race, and we believe that she can win,” said DFA CEO Yvette Simpson. “We’re proud and excited to close out Pride Month by endorsing another LGBTQ+ candidate. As the first openly queer Black Congresswoman, Michele will bring a fresh perspective and unique lived experiences to Washington, ensuring that all her constituents have a seat at the table.

“Michele is a fierce advocate for criminal justice reform, expanding access to healthcare, and protecting voting rights, all qualities that make her exactly the kind of progressive champion that Floridians need. We look forward to fighting alongside her through next November.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement of Democracy for America in my campaign for Florida’s 13th Congressional District,” said Michele Rayner. “Their commitment to empowering people at the grassroots level reflects the very essence of my campaign. I am in this race to help my community, the community that raised me, here in Clearwater. I know Democracy for America shares my passion for bringing people into the political process and building power from the ground up and I am grateful for their support in this race.” 

Democracy for America has 4,269 members in Florida’s 13th Congressional District, 84,027 members in the state of Florida, and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA joins CBC PAC and HHFA PAC in endorsing Cheri Beasley for U.S. Senate in NC

CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS PAC, DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA PAC, HIGHER HEIGHTS FOR AMERICA PAC Announce Their Joint Endorsement of Former Chief Justice Cheri Beasley in her Bid for U.S. Senate

The CBCPAC, DFA PAC, HHFA PAC proudly endorse Fmr Chief Justice Beasley in her U.S. Senate run in North Carolina.


Washington, D.C. - The Congressional Black Caucus PAC (the political arm of the Congressional Black Caucus), Democracy for America PAC (the people-powered, grassroots organization), and Higher Heights for America PAC (the only organization in the U.S. whose sole purpose is to elect African American Women to higher office) announced their joint endorsement of Former Chief Justice Cheri Beasley in her bid for the U.S. Senate.

“It is crucial for our hard working Members in the House of Representatives to have colleagues in the Senate to ensure that their amazing bills become laws. We have seen what happens when we don’t have Senators who share our values and make it their mission to stall legislation. The CBCPAC is honored to endorse Justice Cheri Beasley to become the next US Senator from North Carolina,” CBCPAC Executive Director, Yolonda Addison said. 

“Cheri Beasley is no stranger to fighting uphill battles and delivering on her promises for North Carolina families; that’s why Democracy for America is excited to endorse her campaign for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina. We’re confident that Cheri is ready to take on special interests and go to Washington to create change for those that have been left behind for far too long. Not only will she make history as the first Black woman to represent North Carolina in the Senate, she’ll also be a true partner for progressive values and policies,” said Democracy for America CEO Yvette Simpson 

“Higher Heights enthusiastically supports Cheri Beasley in her bid to be the first Black woman Senator to represent the great state of North Carolina.  We know she is a necessary voice in the U.S. Senate,” said Glynda C. Carr, President of Higher Heights for America PAC. “We currently have zero Black women in the Senate and Cheri is in a position to ensure that all Black women will have a voice in this body. She has been a champion of healthcare for all, education, as well as the ability to find work that supports a family and retire with dignity. It is clear that she will not only fight for North Carolina, but she will also fight for all of us when she is elected to office.” 

Cheri is no stranger to making history. In 2019, she made history by becoming the first African American woman to serve as Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. In 2021, if elected, Cheri Beasley will make history again by becoming the first African American woman to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate. Her proven leadership and her commitment to justice is proof positive that she will represent North Carolinians with the fortitude that they deserve. 

DFA Press Release

DFA Celebrates Alvin Bragg’s big win in Manhattan DA primary




“Alvin Bragg ran his primary campaign for Manhattan District Attorney with a simple motto – justice can’t wait. The voters of New York came together in resounding agreement and took a step towards justice for all New Yorkers by nominating Bragg for DA. His vision of reversing mass incarceration by reimagining public safety was clearly receptive to what voters want.”

“From taking the NYPD out of responding to mental health calls, to improving the access to parole for people who are incarcerated for long periods, and declining to prosecute some categories of low-level arrests such as stand-alone charges of resisting arrest, Alvin has distinguished himself as a real change agent and progressive champion.“

Tonight’s historic win not only brings Alvin one step closer to becoming Manhattan’s first ever Black DA, it is also a massive triumph for criminal justice reform and a better, more just New York City.”

DFA has 117,086 members in the state of New York and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA cheers as India Walton becomes presumptive next mayor of Buffalo, NY




“India Walton has just ousted a four term incumbent in a historic upset victory, bringing her one step closer to becoming the first ever woman to become mayor of Buffalo, New York. In one of the most significant progressive victories of the 2021 cycle, she triumphed over moneyed special interests and an entrenched political establishment by running a people-powered campaign rooted in love and community.”

“India’s belief that housing, healthcare, healthy food and a quality education are basic human rights will make her a fierce champion for working families, and a force to be reckoned with within the mayor’s office. We look forward to helping her deliver victory in November.”  

DFA has 117,086 members in the state of New York and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA Endorses Hala Ayala for Lt. Gov of Virginia

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Hala Ayala for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, who secured the Democratic nomination last week. If elected, Ayala would be the first woman of color and the first Afro Latina, elected to statewide office in Virginia’s history.  

DFA previously endorsed Hala in her bid for Virginia’s 51st House District back in 2017 as part of our successful multi-cycle effort to flip the Virginia legislature from Purple to Blue. Ayala went on to win against a four-term Republican incumbent in the diverse and fast-growing suburbs of Prince William County. A Virginia native, Ayala is a powerhouse progressive with a passion for people-powered policies that serve working families. 

For over 20 years as a cybersecurity specialist with the Department of Homeland Security, she worked to protect our nation’s information systems and prevent attacks on our national security. From the local PTA and statewide women’s advocacy groups to serving on the McAuliffe Council of Women, Hala has long worked for progress; and seeing millions of women stand up against division and hate during the historic Women’s March inspired her to run for office. 

“Ayala is a rising star for the New American Majority and she has the receipts to prove it. She made good on her campaign promises of expanding Medicaid for 400,000 Virginians, raising teacher pay, passing the Equal Rights Amendment, and expanding background checks in order to promote gun safety,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America. “She will be a force for real, progressive change as Virginia’s next Lt. Gov.”

Democracy for America has 33,995 members in the Commonwealth of Virginia and more than a million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA endorses in key mayoral races across country

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed four mayoral candidates running in 2021 to lead major American cities from across the country. The four mayoral candidates that DFA is endorsing include:

India Walton - Buffalo, NY

Tameika Isaac Devine - Columbia, SC

Sharetta Smith - Lima, OH

Joyce Craig - Manchester, NH

This is the first time DFA has backed Walton, Devine, and Smith – all of whom are Black women and would be the first woman ever to be elected mayors of their respective cities. DFA endorsed Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig in 2015, 2017 and 2019, Craig was the first woman elected to lead Manchester.

DFA kicked off the 2021 cycle by endorsing Tishaura Jones in her successful bid for mayor of St. Louis, MO, where she became the first Black woman to be elected mayor. 

“As a former DFA-endorsed Black woman mayoral candidate, I know the strength and support needed for a barrier-breaking race,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO. “These four amazing candidates are ready to meet the challenges of their very different cities while also building progressive power in key states critical to the kind of progressive change we need across America. We could not be more excited to stand with Joyce Craig, India Walton, Tameika Isaac Devine, and Sharetta Smith.”

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America endorses Aramis Ayala for FL-10

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Aramis Ayala for Congress in Florida's 10th Congressional district for Rep. Val Demings’ seat. While Ayala opted not to run for reelection as the state’s attorney, she seized upon the opportunity to run for Congress while Demings seeks to unseat Marco Rubio in the Senate.

DFA previously endorsed Ayala in her successful and historic bid for state attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida where she became the Sunshine State’s first-ever Black state attorney and the first woman to represent her district. During her time as state attorney, Ayala proved to be a stalwart force against the death penalty; refusing prosecutions seeking the death penalty and fighting against it all the way to the Supreme Court. Although she lost her battle in court, she gained national attention as a fierce advocate against the death penalty. 

She pushed other progressive policies by leading on criminal justice reform; creating innovative pre-trial diversion programs; police accountability and oversight reforms; and initiatives to support victims of domestic violence. 

“Aramis is politically prepared and personally equipped to fight for Floridians when it comes to tackling the deep-rooted inequities in our society because she has faced them,” said Democracy for America CEO, Yvette Simpson. “From her working-class background where she learned the value of workers’ rights and a living wage, to her near-death experience with an aggressive lymphoma when doctors told her she had less than 24 hours to live. She lived the inequities of the healthcare system and understands that policy decisions can be the difference between life and death for millions of Americans.”

“I'm thrilled to have the endorsement of Democracy For America,” said Ayala. “DFA knows what it means to be a principled fighter for economic equality, racial justice, climate change, affordable housing, and healthcare, and I'm looking forward to joining them on the campaign trail. Together, we can take the bold policy reform I began as Florida's first Black state attorney all the way to Washington.”

DFA has 2,690 members in Florida’s 10th Congressional district, 84,109 members in the state of Florida, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release


(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) has hired veteran political strategist Christopher Scott to serve in the newly created position of Chief Political Officer where he will oversee the organization’s electoral, political and communications departments. The former national political director for The Collective PAC and Detroit native will also work closely with DFA CEO Yvette Simpson strategically to capitalize on the momentum of the progressive movement by expanding it electorally to move the country forward with people-focused policies and candidates up and down the ballot across all 50 states. 

“I have watched Chris be a key player in getting things done for progressive candidates and causes across the country,”  said Yvette Simpson. “We are thrilled to have him join DFA at such a critical time in American politics. We are ramping up our work with candidates across the country and now, more than ever, progressives causes and values are what America needs to defend our democracy.”

“Democracy for America is an iconic brand in the progressive movement,” said Chris Scott. “It is the North Star for progressive candidates running for office to receive an endorsement from DFA. I have been fortunate enough in my career to find success doing new things and building new initiatives. It is with great honor that I start my next chapter in a new role with an organization that wrote the book on being bold and moving first.

Christopher has served as the deputy campaign manager for Kim Foxx, Cook County State’s Attorney re-election campaign, and executive director of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus, the nation's oldest legislative Black caucus. Christopher began his career in politics in 2012 both interning for Congressman John Lewis and working on President Obama’s re-election campaign. Christopher holds a B.A. from Bowling Green State University in Film Production and a M.A. from American University in Strategic Communication. 
Outside of his career Christopher is a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Inc., charter member for New Leaders Council – Columbus chapter, father, and husband. 

DFA Action

Tell President Biden: Cancel Student Debt

President Biden has recently asked the Department of Education and the Department of Justice to look into his legal authority to cancel student loan debt. 

We already know that he has the legal authority to cancel student debt under section 432(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

In the last three decades, the costs of college have skyrocketed, making higher education essentially inaccessible and unattainable for working people. This has created even deeper economic inequality, and it has worsened the racial wealth gap, which is evidenced by the fact that Black Americans are more likely to take on student debt, have $7,400 more in debt on average, and more likely to default on their loans than white Americans.

Democracy for America has been supporting the movement to cancel student loan debt for years and now we have a real chance at making this happen.

Sign our petition now to demand that President Biden cancel student loan debt. 

Take Action!
DFA Action

Support The Green New Deal!

Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have officially unveiled the Green New Deal again.

This bold resolution would put our country on the path towards a clean energy future including: 

  • 100% clean and renewable energy by 2030
  • A guaranteed living-wage job for anybody who needs one
  • A just transition for both workers and frontline communities
  • It’s a win-win for our environment and economy, and it’s our greatest opportunity to avert the worst impacts of climate change.

Add your name right now to join DFA, Ed Markey, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in supporting a Green New Deal today.

Take Action!
DFA Press Release

DFA CEO Yvette Simpson reacts to Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdict

April 20, 2021 

Contact: Kelley Jackson

(770) 572-3766  

[email protected] 





(Vermont) -- George Floyd’s life mattered. This has been a long time coming, not only for the family and loved ones of George Floyd, but for the families and loved ones of every Black person that has died at the hands of police. 

We are relieved that justice for George Floyd has been served, but there is no justice whenever there is a loss of life at the hands of those who are sworn to serve and protect. Mr. Floyd’s life has served as a sacrifice for the future of Black men and women and children who have faced and will face police brutality and violence and disrespect. We know from the recent murder of Daunte Wright by Brooklyn Center police, just minutes away from where George Floyd was murdered, that the struggle continues and this work is far from over.

As we have just witnessed in the trial of Derek Chauvin, criminal justice should be administered in the courts, by juries, not on the streets by abusive police officers.

Today, Derek Chauvin was held accountable for his actions. We hope this verdict sends a message to law enforcement across the country, that you will be held accountable for your actions, abuse, and violence against Black people.

Sadly, we must continue the public demand and outcry: STOP KILLING US. Keep your knee off of our necks. Black lives matter. We must end qualified immunity now. And we must continue to fight to ensure the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is passed and Black Americans can begin to breathe.

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is a first, but necessary step forward in re-imagining public safety and holding police accountable across the country. We must take this important step right now to prevent another George Floyd, Daunte Wright, or Jacob Blake from being killed or severely injured by law enforcement. 

The bill would set a national standard for use of force by police officers, ban “no-knock” warrants in federal drug cases and the use of chokeholds, and limit the transfer of military equipment to police departments.

It would also expand the Department of Justice’s ability to investigate police departments for misconduct and establish a national police misconduct database.

It’s time for all police departments to hold their officers accountable and for all police to stop the abuse and murder of Black citizens.

DFA Press Release



(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Sam Rasoul for Lt. Governor of Virginia in the open primary election to be held June 8, 2021. The son of immigrant parents, raised in Roanoke, Rasoul is currently a member of the House of Delegates where he has served for seven years.

His work in the General Assembly reflects his reputation as a solid, trustworthy progressive with broad appeal as he has worked to lower health care costs, pushed for intersectional justice through a Green New Deal, and advocated for good government by limiting the influence of special interests.
“Sam is a composite of the inclusive populism DFA fights for, and the people-centered progressive champion DFA supports,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO, DFA. “He’s bold, innovative and represents the future. He believes in a Virginia-specific Green New Deal, criminal justice reform, and robust infrastructure. 

“But the most exciting thing about Sam is the amazing connection he has with such a broad swath of constituents, and his commitment to bringing folks along with him, helping people to understand how government works. It just amplifies his authenticity as a public servant. He is a much-needed breath of fresh air and DFA is excited to back his campaign for Lt. Governor,” she said. 

The spirit of the 50 State Strategy spearheaded by DFA inspired me to believe our party needs to run strong everywhere,” said Sam Rasoul. “A DFA endorsement would mean so much and would validate our belief that we must bring progressive values to every corner of Virginia.”

Rasoul is DFA’s third endorsed candidate in Virginia in the 2021 cycle. DFA has already endorsed Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor and Jay Jones for Attorney General. Virginia has been a priority state for DFA’s Purple to Blue Project since 2013 when Democrats swept all statewide races. 

DFA has 34,817 members in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA Endorses Malcolm Kenyatta ahead of 2022 Senate race in PA


(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Malcolm Kenyatta in the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate race. The election will be a decisive one as it will help determine who controls the United States Senate in 2023, Democrats or Republicans. 

DFA supported Kenyatta in his 2017 successful bid for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, where he still serves, becoming the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color and one of the youngest members elected to the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

In the legislature, Kenyatta has advocated initiatives that would address generational poverty, raise the minimum wage, protect workers' rights, increase access to mental healthcare, and stem gun violence.

“Representation matters. Not only does Malcolm represent the New American Majority, he represents the new American family,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO of DFA. “People need to see themselves in the highest levels of government, and those in the highest levels of government need to look like, live like, speak for, and fight for the needs of ordinary people. 

“Malcolm is an ordinary Pennsylvanian with an extraordinary desire to change the world, stop the rise of hate, and make life a little bit better for people like him and his family: those from humble beginnings, those who have faced tough times financially, and those who just want to be treated fairly and get a fair shot,” said Simpson. 

DFA has 68,693 members in the state of Pennsylvania, and more than one million members nationwide.

# # #

DFA Action

Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act: Become a citizen co-sponsor

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders has recently introduced the Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act which would increase the corporate tax rate by 0.5% for companies reporting a CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio of 50 to 1, and grow to a rate of 5% for companies reporting a ratio of 500 to 1 or higher.

The bill could raise as much as $150 billion over 10 years, thus reducing growing income inequality, while providing the financial resources we need to help millions of Americans still struggling to recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Please join Robert Reich and DFA by signing on to be a citizen co-sponsor of Bernie’s bill to increase federal corporate taxes on companies that pay their CEO's an outrageously high amount of money when compared to their median worker.

Take Action!
DFA Press Release

DFA celebrates Tishaura Jones’ historic victory in St. Louis, MO


Democracy for America (DFA) CEO Yvette Simpson released the following statement regarding Tishaura Jones’ victory in today’s St. Louis, MO mayor’s race:

“Congratulations to Tishaura Jones for her hard-won victory to become the next mayor, and the first Black woman elected mayor of St. Louis, Missouri,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America. We are proud to have endorsed her from day one and are thrilled to have joined her on this journey to become the city’s chief executive. 

“DFA was on the ground with mayor-elect Tishaura Jones this weekend and all day on Election Day campaigning around the city; the energy and enthusiasm was amazing! We are grateful to all the voters who turned out on this beautiful day to send the candidate with the best vision and the most progressive values to the mayor’s office. 

“She earned her stripes as the first Black woman ever to serve as Missouri’s House Assistant Minority Floor Leader and the first Black woman to serve as St. Louis Treasurer. And now, she gets to bring her people-focused servant leadership in service to leading the great city of St. Louis. 

“A better America begins with leaders like Mayor-elect Jones in cities like St. Louis,” Simpson said.


DFA Defenders

DFA Defender

Join us and become a DFA Defender today by making a monthly contribution towards our fight for a better America!

Democracy for America is not only who we are, it’s what we do. We work to elect progressive candidates up and down the ballot, all across the country, year after year to ensure American democracy is protected and remains for the people, by the people.

Through our 50-state strategy, proven expansive and inclusive grassroots organizing, and early, deep investment in candidates and campaigns, DFA stays on the frontlines defending democracy. We fight everywhere so we can win everywhere. 

Here’s why becoming a DFA Defender is the best way to support our work:

  • There is never an off-year for DFA. You help us work with campaigns throughout the year, every year. Elections happen throughout the country every year. Since our founding in 2004 DFA has elected over 1000 people to office, trained over 125,000 candidates, their staff and volunteers, made over 33 million voter contacts and raised more than $70 million for progressive candidates. The work of fighting for change never ends, and DFA makes sure your investment in progressive movement-building goes the distance.
  • Become a part of the largest coordinated PAC in America. With DFA, every dollar you contribute goes further. We don't knock on the same doors, talk to the same voters, and do what's already been done. Field operations and phone outreach are coordinated closely with campaigns so we can expand the footprint of each candidate by covering fresh ground. Most importantly the wealth of data we collect is shared directly with the campaign, providing them with navigational assets that would otherwise be unattainable without Big Money. In this way, your contribution to DFA has a ripple effect throughout the progressive movement.
  • Help us invest early in progressive visionaries. DFA is often the first to endorse and support a candidate. Early support makes a difference. Just as we endorsed Raphael Warnock in 2020 days after his announcement and Stacey Abrams during her run for Governor before her formal announcement, we have once again led the movement by highlighting the heroes of tomorrow TODAY by endorsing a new slate of progressives for 2021 like Maya Wiley and McKayla Wilkes.
  • Let’s keep fighting everywhere so we can win everywhere. Since our founding in 2004, we have always believed in the 50 state strategy and that we need to fight everywhere to win everywhere. DFA is known for supporting races in red, blue and purple states, up and down the ballot from school board to district attorney, and from state legislature to the US Senate. 
  • Together, we can elect the New American Majority. The progressive movement grows stronger every day because we are powered by the people. We’ve doubled down on our efforts to elect bold, progressive leaders all across the country who represent the New American Majority: people of color and white progressive voters.
  • Your contribution helps us sustain momentum with multi-cycle organizing. Our work has always focused on long-term organizing, from our Purple to Blue work over the last 8 years in VA to our work in Georgia since 2017, and so many others, we know that to make a real, lasting impact, you must commit to multi-cycle organizing and expanding the electorate by reaching voters who have been historically ignored.
  • You can keep us battle-ready for immediate responses and impact. Your support allows us to hit the ground running when a cause, an issue, or a candidate needs our support. Being early and consistent is how we win.
DFA Press Release

BREAKING: DFA congratulates Deb Haaland on historic confirmation

March 15, 2021 

Contact: Kelley Jackson
(770) 572-3766  
[email protected] 



Deb Haaland epitomizes everything we envision our country to be -- progressive, ecologically conscious, and resilient, with a vision for clean water, clear air, and clean energy. Her leadership is the balm our country needs at this critical time for our environment. 

We rejoice in her appointment and celebrate the history that is being made. As Secretary of the Interior, not only will she make history as the first Native American and first woman of color to hold the position, she will be the guardian that this country so desperately and justly needs, a leader born of 35 generations of indigenous people who are one with the land. This is a win for our country.



Planned Giving

A gift that transcends a lifetime

At Democracy for America, we understand that the fight for progressive values is enduring. Remembering DFA in your will, trust, or through an annuity is an easy and meaningful way to sow the seeds of future victories and make continual change in our country and your community.

If you would like more information about Democracy for America or about including us in your estate plans, please contact us by phone or email. We are here for every step of the planning process. Please reach out at your convenience if you would like to schedule a personal consultation with you or your estate planners.  

Veronica Greiner
[email protected]
(802) 222-6934

Sample bequest: 

I bequeath to Democracy for America (Tax ID 03-0372047) now or formerly in the City of Burlington, PO Box 1717, in the State of Vermont, for its general purposes.

the sum of _________ dollars; or

an amount equal to ________ percent of the net value of my estate; or
all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate

DFA Press Release

DFA CEO celebrates Tishaura Jones’ primary victory in St. Louis

Democracy for America CEO Yvette Simpson released the following statement regarding Tishaura Jones advancing to a runoff in the St. Louis, MO mayoral primary:


“Congratulations to Tishaura Jones for not only making it to the runoff for Mayor of St. Louis, MO, but for also leading with appearing on 57% of ballots cast,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO. “We at DFA are thrilled that Tishaura was the top vote getter in this primary election and we will continue to work with her campaign to seal a victory on April 6th. We named her “21 to Watch in ‘21” and it was for this reason -- she’s ready to lead the city of St. Louis.

“St. Louis voters are ready for real change, real progressive leadership, and they know that the best person to lead them during this critical time in their city, and in this nation, is Tishaura Jones. 

“We endorsed her campaign when she announced because she is the right candidate to lead St. Louis right now. She is progressive in her values and she showed herself to be bold and unapologetic by enacting a $15/hr minimum wage in the Treasurer’s office and launching the nation’s second-largest children’s savings program, College Kids, which has over 16,300 children enrolled and more than $1.2 million saved for their futures.

“Tishaura has proven time and again that she is a leader working for the people of St. Louis, and St. Louis voters know it.”

DFA has 5,653 members in St. Louis, 23,899 in the state of Missouri, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America endorses Mckayla Wilkes’ rematch for Maryland’s Fifth Congressional District

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Mckayla Wilkes for Maryland’s Fifth Congressional District, ahead of her 2022 rematch against corporate Democrat Steny Hoyer. This is DFA’s first endorsement of the 2022 cycle.

A progressive Democrat who was raised in the district, Wilkes seeks to build upon the ground she gained during her first run for the office last year. Since then, she has launched the non-profit Schools Not Jails to focus on dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline and leverage her momentum as a voice for change. She believes in progressive policies like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, criminal justice reform, expanded voting rights, and humane immigration.

“Democracy for America backed Mckayla last year when she shocked Maryland’s political establishment by building a people-powered movement strong enough to shake up a forty-year establishment machine,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO of Democracy for America. “We’re backing her once again and lending our full support to help her deliver a victory to Maryland’s Fifth District constituents. 

“She knows the struggles that many Americans face because she’s faced them, too. Her will to serve and work to improve the lives of others is born of her own struggles. That’s the kind of candidate we are here to support. People who want to change the world for the better,” said Simpson.
“I am so honored that Democracy for America has endorsed our grassroots campaign here in Maryland's 5th Congressional District. Last cycle, our movement was able to beat Majority Leader Hoyer in the in-person vote by double digits,” said Mckayla Wilkes. “Working-class people in Maryland and across the country cannot wait any longer for bold action. We need representatives who will fight for racial, economic, and environmental justice. I am prepared and determined to be that representative.”

DFA has 3,151 members in Maryland's fifth Congressional district, 30,326 members in the state of Maryland, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA to Host Watch Party Tweetup on Friday the 19th




In Celebration of Black History Month, DFA Hosts Watch Party Tweetup with ABC News LIVE using #BlackHERstory 


WHO:        Democracy for America (DFA) @DFAaction

 Yvette Simpson, DFA CEO and ABC News Contributor @ysimpsonpower

WHAT:        In celebration of Black History Month, DFA is hosting a Tweetup. A virtual Watch Party on Twitter during the airing of ABC News Live’s “Conversations Between Black Women” special event.

WHEN:    Friday, February 19, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. EST (check local listings for show times)

WHERE:    ABC News Live and Twitter

Other Info:    Participants may follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag 


Hosted by Deborah Roberts, ABC News anchor 

Other featured panelists: 

Leah Wright-Rigueur, Harvard Professor and ABC News Contributor. Angela Yee, host of The Breakfast Club, a nationally syndicated radio show

DFA Action

Remove Insurrectionist Members of Congress

A violent mob of insurrectionists attempted a coup on our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Multiple people are dead. Two Capitol police officers were murdered by the vicious mob. Others were chased, dragged, beaten, or crushed, with more than four dozen officers sustaining injuries.

As we’ve read, some people even brought zip ties, semi-automatic weapons, Molotov cocktails, and pipe bombs. They came within inches of breaching the Senate chamber before officers were able to get it secured.

If we allow Members of Congress who incited and allegedly planned this vicious attack to remain in Congress, it’s only a matter of time before the next assault.

Democracy must be protected. We must demand action. Add your name and make sure seditionists in Congress are held accountable.

"We support the immediate removal of Members of Congress -- both House and Senate -- who are proven to have incited or planned the violent attack on our nation's Capitol on January 6th.

If a Member of Congress engaged in insurrection against the United States Constitution, then that person cannot sit in the United States Congress and must be immediately removed."

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America endorses Jay Jones in VA Attorney General race

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Jay Jones for Virginia Attorney General in the upcoming primary election on June 8, 2021 against three-term incumbent Mark Herring.

A lifelong resident of Virginia and current member of the House of Delegates, Jones has a deep and authentic relationship with the residents of Virginia and a track record of populist reforms necessary to bring about real change for Virginians. 

Jones has fought to expand access to Medicaid, pushed for more robust environmental regulations, and championed the “Ashanti Alert,” an emergency broadcast alert for missing adults that became the federal model. In the state legislature, he has led the fight to end qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, end capital punishment, and create a Civil Rights Division in the Office of the Attorney General 

“This is exactly the kind of bold, innovative leadership Virginians deserve on the critical issue of  criminal justice reform. DFA is proud to endorse Jay for Attorney General as he championsf the foundational values our members support,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America. “He will bring a lifetime of advocacy and a commitment to fair and just leadership to the Attorney General’s office. 

“In addition to being extremely qualified for the position he will also bring a moral clarity to Virginia’s executive branch, which has invariably been riddled with scandals and unchecked white supremacy for too long. We look forward to helping him make history as first Black Attorney General in the Commonwealth of Virginia,” 

“Democracy for America has been on the forefront of real and equitable justice reform, labor rights, and so many other progressive causes that are central to our campaign,” said Jay Jones, candidate for Virginia Attorney General. “I am honored to have received their vote of confidence and I will work hard to earn the vote of my fellow Virginians as I campaign across the state. I am eager to serve and bring the kind of leadership my constituents deserve as the chief law enforcement officer of the state.”

Jay Jones is Democracy for America’s second endorsed candidate in Virginia in the 2021 cycle. DFA also  endorsed Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor in December of 2020. Virginia was also a Democracy for America “Purple to Blue” state from 2013 when Democrats swept all statewide races, until both legislative chambers were flipped to Democratic control during the 2019 cycle.

DFA has 34,817 members in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release



Veteran Democrat Has Track Record of Progressive Leadership, Putting People First

(Vermont) -- Democracy for America (DFA) endorses Karen Carter Peterson in the special election for Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District. The primary is set for  March 20, 2021 and the runoff is scheduled for April 24, 2021.

A New Orleans native, Karen Carter Peterson has devoted her career to advocating for working families, racial justice, criminal justice reform, and underrepresented communities at both the state and national levels. 

Peterson worked with the Obama administration to expand access to Medicaid in Louisiana after the Republican governor refused to do so; and because of that, more than half a million Louisiana residents are now covered. She also fought back against a Louisiana version of the "heartbeat bill" as a member of the state legislature, and championed women's right to receive reproductive health care in opposition to a Democrat party leader. 

The open seat comes after Congressman Cedric Richmond resigned to join President Joe Biden’s administration as Senior Advisor. If elected, Karen Carter Peterson would become the first Black woman to ever represent her district in Congress if elected. 

“We are thrilled to kick off the first day of Black History Month endorsing Karen Carter Peterson for Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District,” said Yvette Simpson, CEO, DFA. Carter Peterson is DFA’s fifth endorsement of the 2021 election cycle, all of which have been Black women.

 “Although the field is crowded in this open-seat special election, Karen stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of her extensive legislative experience and successes, and her unwavering commitment to the progressive values and issues we fight for every day at Democracy for America. 

“She’s a powerhouse, and no stranger to fighting uphill battles and making bold moves. She is exactly the kind of candidate we like to support because she doesn't let politics get in the way of putting people first. She has led on progressive causes in one of the most conservative states in this country and has never backed down. Representation matters in Congress, but so does bringing home results. Karen has proven she is the right person for the 2nd Congressional District of Louisiana right now.

“In Congress, we know that she’ll be a champion for Medicare for All, a robust response to the climate crisis, and a fierce advocate for racial, reproductive, and economic justice. We look forward to fighting alongside Karen for our shared values in her fast-approaching primary, and in the years to come.” -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

“I’m honored to have the support of Democracy for America, an organization at the forefront of a movement that will return power back to the people. DFA’s work to train and empower people across the country and right here in Louisiana has been a game changer for progressive action. As Louisiana’s next Congresswoman, I'll always speak truth to power and fight for comprehensive COVID relief for working families, Medicare for All, and access to a quality education for all children. I’m looking forward to working with DFA members as we build a movement and win in Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District."  -- Karen Carter Peterson, DFA endorsed candidate for Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District.

Peterson spent a decade in the Louisiana State House of Representatives, another decade in the Louisiana State Senate, and served as chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party for eight years, the first woman and only the second Black person to hold the position. Until recently, Peterson served as vice chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Protection at the Democratic National Committee. 

DFA has 3,114 members in Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District, 10,222 in the state of Louisiana, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

DFA Celebrates Jaime Harrison being chosen as DNC Chair

Democracy for America CEO Yvette Simpson released the following statement in response to Biden’s selection of Jaime Harrison for DNC Chair:

“Congratulations to Jaime Harrison for being chosen to be the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair. We at DFA are thrilled that Jaime is President-elect Joe Biden's pick to lead the party right now, as Democrats and the progressive movement make waves in the deep South and across the country. 

“We were proud early supporters of Jaime Harrison’s candidacy in South Carolina’s U.S. Senate campaign in November against Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Not only did Jaime shatter fundraising records, but more importantly he changed the conversation about what real leadership means, and what South Carolinians deserve and should demand of their elected leaders. 

“Although he did not prevail in that race, Jaime was a force to reckon with and proved he can galvanize people the party seeks to reach. While Lindsey Graham continues to whine about the impeachment of Donald Trump and campaign against his removal from office, the Democratic party and progressive leaders are celebrating Jaime’s new role in the DNC and excited about him working to expand the electorate, prioritizing organizing and engaging the New American Majority, particularly Black and brown voters, and supporting this issues that matter to everyday people. 

“Jaime is a breath of fresh air for the party and his talent for engaging people across the demographics of race, age, income status and lived experiences will serve the party and the people well. We look forward to his leadership and service.

“President-elect Joe Biden has said he is ‘building an administration that looks like America.’ With Jaime as his pick to lead the party under his administration, he kept his word. We have always said representation matters; we are glad our voices are being heard.” – Yvette Simpson, CEO

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America (DFA) Calls for Donald Trump to be Removed from Office

The horror we witnessed earlier this week – as our United States Capitol was breached for the first time since 1814, during a time of war – was an act of domestic terror, committed by traitors who are, and hold themselves out to be, Trump supporters. 

What we witnessed shocked our conscience, but was not a surprise. Not to us. Not to those of us in the movement. 

We, at Democracy for America, along with many other activists, organizations, and leaders of this country have been sounding the alarm about Donald Trump for years. Aided and abetted by a cadre of sycophants and enablers since he took office has only emboldened his autocratic and fascist behavior and rhetoric.  

The violence and destruction that occurred was stoked by our Commander-in-Chief, and it happened because he encouraged and facilitated it; he set the stage, he struck the match and he fanned the flames. The anarchy we witnessed today was a direct manifestation of Donald Trump’s prolonged and unchecked sedition. Since its inception, his presidency has sought to undermine the very democratic foundation of this nation and take power away from the people. 

What we witnessed this week was an attempted coup -- sanctioned by the sitting president.

Therefore, Democracy for America is calling on Donald Trump to be removed from office immediately, either by enacting the 25th Amendment or by Articles of Impeachment. 

After that, he must be charged with any and all crimes for which he may be guilty and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must also ensure that he can never hold public office ever again.

The United States of America must send a strong message to our enemies, foreign and domestic, that sedition, anarchy, and domestic terrorism will not be tolerated, by anyone, especially our Commander-in-Chief.

We must act now. We must defend our democracy. Donald Trump is unfit to remain in office.

Remove Donald Trump from office immediately. Link to our petition here: http://act.democracyforamerica.com/sign/remove-trump-now-1-6-21/?t=1&refcode=pressrelease


DFA Press Release

DFA Congratulates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock on Historic Senate Wins

Democracy for America (DFA) congratulates Jon Ossoff and Raphel Warnock for their historic wins in their respective Georgia Senate runoff races. Their victories are a beacon of hope during a dark week, and a reminder that voters are not only resilient, they are directly rejecting the institutions of white nationalism and authoritarianism that Donald Trump and his supporters have tried to reinforce in this country.

Those dual contests in Georgia were two of the most consequential elections in American history. Their successes will create a significant and essential shift in power in the U.S. Senate under the Biden Administration. With a 50/50 split in the Senate, Democrats and Republicans, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris would be the deciding vote on a Senate agenda, determining the majority. It also ends the reign of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose leadership is marred with legislative inaction and a blatant disregard for the needs of everyday Americans. 

Democracy for America was an early supporter of Rev. Raphael Warnock, a political neophyte with strong progressive values, whose candidacy was championed by Stacey Abrams. Jon Ossoff’s 2017 run against the 6th Congressional District special election in Georgia was inspired by Donald Trump’s failed leadership, and that run ultimately paved the way for his success against incumbent Senator David Perdue this year.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the Georgia Senate victories:

On the same day the South elected its first ever Black, Democratic Senator, and its first Jewish Senator in over 40 years, white nationalists launched a terrorist attack on our nation’s capital. The juxtaposition between these events is not lost on us. In fact, they are an apt illustration of the political divide in America that showed up at the polls in November in historic numbers. Yet, in an act that can only be described as poetic justice, Georgia voters braved the pandemic for a second time and delivered a clear referendum against Republican control and Donald Trump’s racist, divisive leadership.

&With Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the United States Senate, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris now have the power to lead America out of the abyss Donald Trump has left us in and build our country back to a place of respect and responsible leadership that best serves the people, not partisan ideologies.

“Joy is an act of political resistance, and we will not allow our joy over this trailblazing victory to be stolen by the violent and incendiary actions of Donald Trump and his enablers. We are immensely grateful for the Georgians who cast their vote in favor of Warnock and Ossoff in this election, and we salute all of the volunteers, organizers, activists and influencers on the ground, on Zoom, making calls and sending text messages to get out the vote in Georgia and turn Georgia blue yet again! 

“We are proud of our work as progressives in supporting candidates who will work for and serve the people first, because they understand you cannot put America first until and unless you put her people first.

“As progressives, our work is just beginning. If this week has shown us anything, it is that our democracy must be defended at all costs. While we continue our fight to remove the knee of police brutality and social injustice off of the neck of Black people, Indigenous communities and people of color (BIPOC), we will keep pressure on the Biden administration to meet and deliver on the needs of the people who elected him. The progressive movement delivered the power to the President-elect so that he could, in his words “build back better.” We look forward to helping him keep his promise." -- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

DFA has 30,244 members in the state of Georgia, and more than one million members nationwide.

DFA Press Release

Democracy for America endorses Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor of Virginia

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsement of Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Born and raised in Virginia, Jennifer Carroll Foy was one of the first women to graduate from Virginia Military Institute and has served the Commonwealth as a public defender, a magistrate, and a member of the House of Delegates.

Democracy for America first supported Jennifer Carroll Foy during her 2017 run for Virginia’s House of Delegates as a part of the grassroots progressive group’s multi-year “Purple to Blue” effort to flip Virginia’s legislature to Democratic control. Since her election, Carroll Foy has been a leader in the Commonwealth on critical progressive priorities, including reproductive freedom, strong paid family and medical leave, and the fight to pass the Equal Rights amendment. In 2020, she spearheaded the fight to overturn decades of legislation that harmed working families and teachers, and passed the biggest expansion of labor rights in decades. She also successfully passed legislation banning pregnancy discrimination and chokeholds in policing.

When elected, Carroll Foy will make history both as Virginia’s first female governor and the country’s first Black woman elected governor.

Statement from DFA CEO Yvette Simpson on the grassroots progressive group’s endorsement of Carroll Foy:

“Democracy for America is thrilled to endorse Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor of Virginia because we’ve seen her fight and deliver for progressive values in and out of elected office.

“Whether she was spearheading the Commonwealth’s efforts to finally pass the long-overdue Equal Rights Amendment, beating back the dismantling of core reproductive freedoms, or successfully banning pregnancy discrimination and chokeholds in policing, Jennifer Carroll Foy has been an unrelenting champion for progressive priorities and working families.

“Jennifer Carroll Foy is a leader with a fresh vision for the Commonwealth who has proven throughout her career that she stands with the people of Virginia, not corporate interests.

“Democracy for America members know Jennifer Carroll Foy, we trust Jennifer Carroll Foy to deliver on a progressive agenda that will make Virginians proud, and we are excited to stand with Jennifer Carroll Foy as she seeks to make history in Virginia and our country in this election.”-- Yvette Simpson, CEO, Democracy for America

Statement from Jennifer Carroll Foy on receiving DFA’s 2021 endorsement:

"Democracy for America has always been at the forefront of building a grassroots movement of working people across the country to make real change in people's lives. Whether it's income equality, racial justice, equal rights, or holding the special interests accountable, DFA has led the way. It's an honor to earn this endorsement.

"These are challenging times that have exposed what's just beneath the surface: in the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, in one of the wealthiest states in the country, working Virginians don’t have what they need to thrive. They deserve a leader with a fresh vision – a Governor who sees them and will stand shoulder to shoulder with them, not special interests. I have always fought against the status quo that has left us with a deeply broken system, and I'll do the same as Governor of Virginia." -- Jennifer Carroll Foy

DFA has 34,817 members in the commonwealth of Virginia and more than one million members nationwide.

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